How to mix 2 trees ?

Questions about usage of Ahnenblatt

How to mix 2 trees ?

Beitrag von Jerome »

I'd like to fusion 2 different trees linked by 1 person. Each tree has been built on 2 different computers. Is it possible to extract one tree, to export it by USB key and load it to fusion it with the other one on the other computer ?
Thanks for your help,
Beiträge: 3573
Registriert: 04.01.2017, 18:32
Wohnort: Regio Rhein-Neckar

Beitrag von Fridolin »

Hello Jerome,

given your trees are both in a format readable for Ahnenblatt, it's not difficult:

There is a function "File > Add..." in the menu, so you can open a family file, add a second and as a result, you will have both groups of persons in one file.

Next step: "Edit > Merge persons..." and get those two persons who are identical into one person.

That's it.

I guess, you should do it with a copy of your original files - just to be safe and secure with the results.

Aktuell Win10-64 pro 2004, Ahnenblatt 3.46 - Daten via NAS, Programm lokal

Empfehlung: Für die neue Version 3.x alle relevanten Handbücher lesen! :book:
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Beiträge: 3573
Registriert: 04.01.2017, 18:32
Wohnort: Regio Rhein-Neckar

Re: How to mix 2 trees ?

Beitrag von Fridolin »

Jerome hat geschrieben:Is it possible to extract one tree, to export it by USB key...
By the way, personal data is stored by Ahnenblatt in a normal file (*.ahn) that can be copied, emailled etc. You won't need to export the files - just save them (as *.ahn or *.ged) and transfer the saved file.

You might encounter more problems to get the media files (photos, documents etc.) which are linked to the persons copied as well. They are not stored within the family file and need to be copied manually. As you probably change their path in transferring, they won't be accessible automatically after merging the two trees. It might help to collect all the media files into one media folder and "Tools > Remap images/files..." to get the files re-linked.

Edit: Media links might work automatically, though, if at least the relative path (in relation to the *.ahn file) would be the same.

Aktuell Win10-64 pro 2004, Ahnenblatt 3.46 - Daten via NAS, Programm lokal

Empfehlung: Für die neue Version 3.x alle relevanten Handbücher lesen! :book:
(es gibt das Benutzerhandbuch und mehrere Themen-Specials!)

Beitrag von Jerome »

Thanks for your support !