Starter advise asked

Questions about usage of Ahnenblatt
Beiträge: 2
Registriert: 23.03.2015, 10:47
Wohnort: Dendermonde

Starter advise asked

Beitrag von geotoss »

Good morning,
Where can i find the instructions for installing ahnenblatt?? I heve seen it but did'nt find it again :oops:
Georges Tossyn
Beiträge: 7522
Registriert: 19.01.2006, 21:55

Beitrag von Marcus »

Hi Georges,

welcome to the Ahnenblattportal!

I fear there are no instructions for installing Ahnenblatt. But the good news are: You won't need one. ;) There is nothing special to do during the installation.

There is however a new english help file for Ahnenblatt. It's officially still a work in progress but looks pretty fine to me and even better (linke pictures etc.) than the german help. It is created by a user here in the forum, mathemagician, who has linked his homepage with the help file and a new language file, which seems to be more clear some aspects of the translation than the shipped one. But you will work with the installed french language (file) I guess?
The Thread to these two new files:

If you have a question about the installation or something else, just come back here and ask.
Beiträge: 2
Registriert: 23.03.2015, 10:47
Wohnort: Dendermonde

Beitrag von geotoss »

ok thank you, what i have seen is the information voor the language editor. Is there any information for where and how to install ahnenblatt into my other files, so that i find it easely back ??
ps : i'm used to work with aldfaer !!
Beiträge: 7522
Registriert: 19.01.2006, 21:55

Beitrag von Marcus »

The language editor is only needed if you want to create a new language (file) for Ahnenblatt. For the work with your families you won't need it.

After installation of Ahnenblatt you can import an Gedcom (*.ged) file or you start with a new (empty) file where you have to create a new person and then create others by clicking the links (like "father" or "child") and filling in the informations you have.

I don't know aldfaer, so I can't recommend a way of exporting/saving a Gedcom file there. But if you are able to create one there, I would
  1. Save a copy!
  2. Save another copy and import that one in Ahnenblatt ("File" - "Open ..." - "GEDCOM file").
  3. Save that file as an Ahnenblatt-File ("File" - "Save as ..." - "Ahnenblatt file") - working with them is much quicker and if you need another Gedcom file, you can save it any time as a Gedcom and get right back and work with the Ahnenblatt file.
  4. Start editing your family or print some trees. Dont' worry to much, just try it - it's easy to use. Just in case, save a copy from time to time. Additionally you can set an option that Ahnenblatt will save some backup files ("Tools" - "Options ..." - "Folders" -- I'va entered "999" and "10" here).
If you're working with a Gedcom file in aldfaer you are able to open it in Ahnenblatt. BUT I would never work with to different programs with the same file. So I strongly recommend to save a copy (can't point out this often enough) and work with different files as mentioned above.
Have fun and just try it, you'll get an idea how to work with Ahnenblatt real quick.