After installing 2.83 version and copying my whole tree collection from 2.74 I tried to view all the members and I got surprised not being able to see some of the members who had their children down to my level. I applied the same settings as in 2.74. I gave up and retured to the previous version.
My enclosed bitmap tries to shows my problem.
Any idea what to do?
missing some tree members in 2.83
missing some tree members in 2.83
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The new version 2.83 shows a lot more people in the trees than the versions before. Unfortunately there is a new bug hidden somewhere in this code. I would suggest to wait for the next version 2.84 which shouldn't be to far away with this type of error and then test it again as this his hopefully solved by then.
Since the bug doesen't show up in every tree, Dirk (developer of Ahnenblatt) has to do some research and testing.
Since the bug doesen't show up in every tree, Dirk (developer of Ahnenblatt) has to do some research and testing.