910: Real name

Questions about usage of Ahnenblatt
Peter Buyk
Beiträge: 2
Registriert: 13.06.2010, 08:43
Wohnort: Netherlands

910: Real name

Beitrag von Peter Buyk »

When entering a name for a person it seems only be possible to insert christian names, and not a persons real name, for example

My christian names are Petrus Christianus, and my real name is Peter, I only see a option to insert my christian names and not my real name, is this possible in Ahnenblatt.
Marcus Jochum
Beiträge: 73
Registriert: 10.07.2008, 18:52
Wohnort: Fürth

Beitrag von Marcus Jochum »

Good morning Peter,

I would try entering: " 'Peter' Petrus Christianus" as name, or "Alias: Peter" in the comments section.
At least, that's the way I normally handle the situation when the name you would normally call some one in everyday life is totally different from the "real" name.

Beiträge: 7522
Registriert: 19.01.2006, 21:55

Beitrag von Marcus »

It depends what you want to do with your database. If you just want to print one chart (tree) for your family (with the common names) you can put them into the 'name-field' an write the christian names in the comments-section.

If you're looking for your ancestors and you want to 'dig deep' you'll need the christian names of the people in the corresponding fields! There will be no documents for a 'Peter Buyk', they all have your name at birth on them. If you want to find out, who one person is (after getting a new source), and you use the common names in the name-fields then you'll have a hard time getting all the connections right.

I would suggest to use the real names only when it would be difficult to identify someone without it.
Personally I use them as 'nickname' which is represented with underscores "_" in Ahnenblatt.
One example where I would use it:
William Jefferson Clinton
In Ahnenblatt I would type:
[Birth name] Clinton [First names] William _Bill_ Jefferson

Maybe even 'William Jefferson _Bill_' would be better, as you could easily look up the string 'William Jefferson'.
After that the names in the chart could be printed out as 'William Bill Jefferson Clinton' or you can shorten it to 'Bill Clinton' and still have the full name (to search for) in the name-fields.
Beiträge: 7169
Registriert: 19.01.2006, 19:33
Wohnort: Hamburg

Re: Real name

Beitrag von Hugo »

Guten Tag
Verzeiht, das ich in deutsch antworte (mein Schulenglisch ist zu lange her :oops: )
Peter Buyk hat geschrieben:My christian names are Petrus Christianus, and my real name is Peter, I only see a option to insert my christian names and not my real name, is this possible in Ahnenblatt.
Falls ich Peter richtig verstehe :roll:
In den Niederlanden (und auch einigen deutschen Gebieten) bekommen doch die getauften Personen 2 Namen
1. Den Realnamen, mit denen sie staatlichen Akten geführt werden
2. Den kirchl. Namen, mit denen sie in kirchl. Akten geführt werden

Demnach wäre Peter sein Problem, das er beide Namen braucht, um bei seinen Forschungen weiter zu kommen

Gruß Hugo

Zuletzt geändert von Hugo am 14.06.2010, 19:03, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
Das Gestern ist Geschichte
Das Morgen ist ein Rätsel
Das Heute ist ein Geschenk
Peter Buyk
Beiträge: 2
Registriert: 13.06.2010, 08:43
Wohnort: Netherlands

Beitrag von Peter Buyk »

Thanks for you're input hugo, you realy read mine question good, don't bother to reply in German language, I have no problem reading the German language.