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Funeral event as basic event

Verfasst: 13.09.2022, 12:42
von JuanSo
When I put funeral event, it shows apart in personal report. There's any way to put it as a basic event next to Born, Dead and Burial?

Verfasst: 13.09.2022, 13:16
von Fridolin
Hi JuanSo,

very welcome to the forum!

I was pretty sure that the personal report is strictly historic, so any event would be ordered by date. That doesn't seem to be the case.

I have multiple questions:
- is this an Ahnenblatt graphic? What exactly is it?
- where did you get the symbols from? How are they defined?
- what is the difference between "funeral" and "entierro"? What's the name of those two fields/tags in GEDCOM? Is any one of those two a self-defined event?

Before being able to help, I would want to understand what this all is.

Verfasst: 13.09.2022, 14:20
von JuanSo
-The icons that I use, are put with Windows icons (Windows key + .) or ASCIII code. I select to each event to see more grapichal and clear report, and not only a lot of letters in a large block text

- I answer it before :)

- "Funeral" is the religious act in a church. Here where I live (Mallorca), we celebrate funeral and burial ("entierro", at cemetery) in different dates.

May be "funeral" doesn't appears with basic life events, cause is a religious event? Only appears at first block civil life events as born, death and burial?

Verfasst: 13.09.2022, 15:47
von Fridolin
Some more questions:

- Do you use Ahnenblatt in Spanish language? There are a lot of menu items lacking translation (being in English instead). This should be addressed, doesn't it?
- If I create a 'registro personal', it looks quite different from your example:
a) I don't understand how the symbols are inserted before the date; do you put them into the date field? Then the computer may have difficulties to sort by date...
b) I get this order: sexo, ocupación, nacimiento, defunctión, padre, madre, hermanos, pareja(s), hijos, notas etc. - with some ugly '@' symbols

And I still don't know where the funeral event comes from: Did you create that event on your own? If I try to add 'funeral' to a person, there is no such event to select.

So, I think, 'funeral' does not appear with the basic events as it is a user generated additional event and not part of the standard GEDCOM events at all. Which means: The computer has no idea what this event means and where it belongs - that way it will always be at the end.

BTW, the menu items are not in the right place while previewing the personal list - you need to click right to the button if you want to close the preview! Which is not the case in the German version.

Verfasst: 14.09.2022, 08:39
von JuanSo
- Do you use Ahnenblatt in Spanish language? There are a lot of menu items lacking translation (being in English instead). This should be addressed, doesn't it?
Yes. It's better to us, spanish users :)
a) I don't understand how the symbols are inserted before the date; do you put them into the date field? Then the computer may have difficulties to sort by date...
I use Text Module option in Preferences (see the picture). There, you can add those icons and they will show before the date in personal report. As I said, its only to look a more graphical report, not text only
And I still don't know where the funeral event comes from: Did you create that event on your own? If I try to add 'funeral' to a person, there is no such event to select.
Yes. Is created event.
BTW, the menu items are not in the right place while previewing the personal list - you need to click right to the button if you want to close the preview! Which is not the case in the German version.
I don't know this. I have a List window whit options, and I can't do anything more. Only mark or dismark check boxes to make a personal report. In spanish version we can't see all words at left menus. And we can't expand them to see correctly :(

Verfasst: 14.09.2022, 08:47
von JuanSo
If you use icons, you can see Personal Report as this. I used some icons on Windows, to Born, Marriage, Death, Burial, Funeral, Sources, Places, Time, Militar, Notes or Adresses. I think with those icons, reports looks like more beauty :)

Verfasst: 14.09.2022, 10:03
von Fridolin

thank you a lot for reporting!

If I set my program to Spanish, it looks a bit different: The text labels in the software are smaller and don't use so much space. But that depends a lot on the screen you use - maybe, this isn't an option for you. So, not seeing all the labels isn't a problem of your Spanish desktop, it's a problem of Windows addressing different screens.

I, for example, have set the graphic scaling on Windows to 150%. Which results in the text size you can see.

Verfasst: 14.09.2022, 11:14
von JuanSo
Yes, was the Windows scale :) I reduced it to 110% (with my 1920x1080 screen) and now I can see correctly all words in menu items at Preferences and List windows.

Thanks for your help!