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Statistics error

Verfasst: 14.07.2019, 15:32
von nacsaszta
If I with te mouse-wheel roll the list, got an error message:
"Gitterindex auserhalb des zulassigen Bereiches."


Verfasst: 14.07.2019, 15:46
von Fridolin
Hi Pál,

just one question: With what sort of Ahnenblatt software did this happen? We have 2.99i or so, 3.0 or later - and both exist either as a standard installation or a portable version. I would like to see if I can reproduce the error.


Verfasst: 14.07.2019, 20:14
von nacsaszta
Verzió 3.02.
Example with Statistics -First names, but with any sort.:(


Verfasst: 14.07.2019, 21:20
von Fridolin
Hi Pál,

I can reproduce your error. I've used a Lenovo TP L380 with Trackpoint.

a) I clicked on the tab "Details" and tried to scroll with the middle mouse key - no reaction;
b) I then click into the table (left mouse key) and try to scroll via middle key: works with no problem;
c) I instead of b) click into the window scroll bar (left click) and then try to scroll via middle key: I get the error message you reported (multiple error messages)

So, for the moment, try No. b)!

Hopefully, Dirk will find the problem in the code.


Verfasst: 15.07.2019, 04:18
von nacsaszta
Thanks Frido!
Yes it's correct.

If I click FIRST BETWEEN the table and scroll bar (NOT into window scroll bar), and AFTER sroll with the mouse middle whell DOWN, I got error.
But after the click between the table and scroll bar, I scroll UP, no reaction, only DOWN.

So, something wrong with the used library element (DEV system?)!

Other problem, that responds slowly the rolling.
