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Error Code File Nr.1 " could not be found.
Verfasst: 25.06.2017, 00:04
von JayhawkRaven
I am trying out the software. I imported a .ged file. When I used the integrity check feature it found this error code, three times:
File Nr.1 " could not be found.
What does this mean? How do I fix it?
Verfasst: 25.06.2017, 06:38
von Fridolin
Hello JayhawkRaven,
very welcome to the Forum!
If it's only that, you're quite good with your file! I've got more than 500 'error' notes. In my case, the ones saying 'file not found' are all in the way
which refers to the file(s) linked to a person that is/are not accessible.
You may know that neither GED nor AHN files include the photos and similar files linked to a person but only a path showing to the image file. If you just tried out the software with a GED file, you may have forgot to put the image file(s) to the right path. I just wonder why there is no file name in your error hints - they should be. Normally, it's the file name linked to a person (see edit window: Person > Pictures/Files) which is referred to. So, do you really have image/file references existant with no real file name? How could this be?
Hope, you understand what I mean.
Verfasst: 09.07.2017, 18:14
von JayhawkRaven
That explanation helps. I just exported a small part of my gedcom file, and I did not include any of the photos or thumbnails with it. That was probably the reason for it. Thanks again.
Verfasst: 10.07.2017, 17:57
von Fridolin
Hello JayhawkRaven,
another thing: If you use "Save as" to save a copy of your AHN file on a USB stick, the software will ask if you want to have a copy of all image files concerned on the stick, too. Is reported to work - I haven't tried yet. I just wonder if it works with a GED file as well.
Verfasst: 11.07.2017, 15:51
von Fridolin
And a second other thing: To get your file links updated to a new storage place, you can use the function "Tools > Remap images/files...". Demands a single folder for all images to work.
That's the sort of small smart functionality which is implemented into Ahnenblatt while the software was growing step by step.