
Questions about usage of Ahnenblatt
Derbyshire Man
Beiträge: 1
Registriert: 17.01.2016, 16:31


Beitrag von Derbyshire Man »

How do I merge an extra 30 names into an existing tree?

I want to merge a Family Tree Builder tree into a Ahnenblatt tree. In this way I can add an extra 30+ people.

I am familiar with importing and exporting GedCom files but not merging.

Can you help? Thank you.
Beiträge: 7522
Registriert: 19.01.2006, 21:55

Beitrag von Marcus »

Hello Derbyshire Man,

welcome to the Ahnenbattportal!

There is a function called "Merge persons ..." in the menu "Edit", which will merge persons already (more than once) in your file.
If you want to add a file first, you have to chose "Add ..." in the menu "File" first. If there are people in the new file, which are already in your family-file, then the merge command will be called autmatically as a 2nd step of adding a file.
Less double persons make an addition of a new file easier, since it is not so easy to recognize automatically which person is a dublette of an already existing. So sometimes it is a lot easier, if you prepare the file to add (deleting unimportant people for e. g.), before you actually add it.

But :mrgreen: after all the explanations, if you are just to add 30 people, I would always do it myself! Manually adding them is not that much work and it helps you checking the connections and other data if they are plausible. Besides that you always learn more about your family.