Printing full first name on family tree

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Registriert: 16.02.2011, 12:08

Printing full first name on family tree

Beitrag von chrisw »

How do you get the printing module (family tree) to print the entire first name?
Example: sisters name is Mary Jane Smith
I want her to print as "Mary Jane Smith" not "Mary Smith"

I can work around this via nickname (in first name field)
eg: _Mary Jane_ Mary Jane
But the printed name now is underscored. And this is a pain to type in.
But this is suboptimal - the exported Gedcom isn't right
(technically you need to have a seperate NICK Gedcom tag and entry field)
Also the display name looks like Mary Jane Mary Jane Smith

Any suggestions for help?
Maybe there should be an option to print entire name, not just the first word in the firstname field

Beiträge: 7522
Registriert: 19.01.2006, 21:55

Beitrag von Marcus »

This option already exists - along with a lot more. See the attached files to find the tab "Data" where the missing option hides.
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Registriert: 19.01.2006, 21:55

Re: Printing full first name on family tree

Beitrag von Marcus »

One more thought about the suggested "NICK"-Tag:
chrisw hat geschrieben:
But this is suboptimal - the exported Gedcom isn't right
(technically you need to have a seperate NICK Gedcom tag and entry field)
Also the display name looks like Mary Jane Mary Jane Smith
Thats not quite the same in Germany. The underscores "_" are used to mark the "Rufname" (I think "christian name" could be an equivalent), which ist always one (or more!) of the first names of a person and not necessarily the same as the nick of a person.
Gedcom doesen't really support this specialty, though there is the recommendation to use something like that:
1 NAME Anna Elisabeth Sophie /Miller/
2 _RUFNAME Elisabeth

But since the underscores and similiar solutions work with a lot import-routines, Ahnenblatt just uses these underscores (as far as I know) to be more compatible with other programs import-routines.

Last - but not least - Welcome chris, to the Ahnenblattportal!
Beiträge: 217
Registriert: 16.01.2009, 00:26

Beitrag von häsin »

Hello chrisw,

I avoid this by writing AnnaMaria.
