Selecting a family branch

Beiträge: 7
Registriert: 20.05.2009, 04:23

Selecting a family branch

Beitrag von sfoehner »

I have a large family tree and I want to save a separate branch as it's own Ahnenblatt file. As one of the tips suggested, I did a delete group on the "not selected" part of the descendants I wanted. The problem with this is that it also deletes the spouses of the descendants. Any suggestions on how to get around this?

Thanks in advanace/Danke im Voraus

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if you are using the function "Edit / Delete Group/ Ancestors complete" "Except selection" and select the youngest person in the family you want to keep.

or use the function "Edit / Delete Group/ Relatives off " "Max search depth: 999" "Except selection"
and select the youngest person in the family you want to keep.

that is the theory.....

Unfortunately both versions do not keep all persons, which you would like to keep.

My approach is:
a) Delete all persons (spouses, kids, etc) , which are directly connected to your initial person. (the person you want to keep)
b) Than use the "Insel-Finder" Plug-In to find the group of persons you want to delete.
c) Delete persons with "Edit / Delete Group/ Relatives off " "Max search depth: 999" "Selection"

Start over with point b) until everything is like you wanted.