Language problem

Questions about usage of Ahnenblatt
Beiträge: 7
Registriert: 11.03.2011, 14:27
Wohnort: Québec,Canada

Language problem

Beitrag von Evanhoe »

I've dld portable Ahnenblatt v 2.95a and, when I click to open the app,everything shows up in the German language.
I clicked "sprache" to change to English,but nothing happens(no response)! Can someone help me? Thanks
Beiträge: 52
Registriert: 14.12.2014, 07:06
Wohnort: West Coast of Canada

Beitrag von Mathemagician »


First of all, welcome to the (English) forum! We are a small group - the German section of the forum is much larger - but hopefully we can be of use. I'm not sure what happened, but somehow your posting got duplicated (triplicated!) - perhaps our administrator can delete the other 2 postings, or you can, I think.

I should make it clear just what the Language menu (Sprache) does, in case there is any misunderstanding. The author of Ahnenblatt (Dirk B.) has made the interface (i.e. menus, dialogs, text) capable of loading other languages, thereby displaying the program in English and many other languages. Changing the Sprache to English, then, should display the menus (after a small delay), etc. in English: "Sprache" becomes "Language", etc. But, no English help file comes with Ahnenblatt! While the program should appear in English, the context-sensitive help file is always in German. However, all is not lost - keep reading.

If for some reason, when you change to "English", the menus, etc. are still in German, this is not normal behaviour - try re-extracting the contents of the portable version archive ( over top of what you already have. If this does not solve the problem, try the installer version of the program, deleting the portable version first (save any work!). Make sure you are using the portable/zip file version, and not the PortableApps version (a different animal - I have not tested it out, but I am sure the portable/zip version does handle the languages correctly).

Assuming then that the interface now appears in English, you can obtain my (incomplete) English help file, and an updated language file. Both are a little out of date with the current version of Ahnenblatt, but work is still progressing. Have a look at my small website, where you can download the help/language files. I recommend the installer, but the files are also available separately - you must place them in the same folder as "AhnenblattPortable.exe" (portable version) or "Ahnblatt.exe" (installed version). Once they are present, try closing Ahnenblatt, then re-opening, just to be sure. Make sure the Language/Sprache is set to English-1 (my language file, although the original English file works also); the English language help file should now supercede the German one.

While my Help file is incomplete, most of the useful things (how to use the program) are done; I'm sure it will be of use. If you still have problems, let me know (with a few details: Windows version, methodology, etc.) and perhaps we can solve this Language issue. Ahnenblatt is a lovely program to use, once it appears in English!
Allen T.
British Columbia, Canada

"Little did I know how little I knew..."
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Registriert: 19.01.2006, 21:55

Beitrag von Marcus »

Do you use the "zip"-Version? And if so, did you unzip it before you use it? Unfortunately Windows let's us start a program from within a zip-file, with a lot of strange problems as a side-effect.
Beiträge: 52
Registriert: 14.12.2014, 07:06
Wohnort: West Coast of Canada

Zip file, Knowledge base

Beitrag von Mathemagician »

Marcus hat geschrieben:start a program from within a zip-file, with a lot of strange problems as a side-effect
Yes, Marcus, that sounds like it may be the culprit. Evanhoe's description of "nothing happens(no response)" fits what you suggest; Ahnenblatt cannot find any language files, since they haven't been unzipped.

Evanhoe has not responded - I hope he has read this thread!

To Evanhoe (and other English-speaking Ahnenblatt users): the (German) knowledge base has a wealth of tips, etc. for getting Ahnenblatt up-and-running, etc. You can view it (through Google Translate) by clicking the following link. Note: while Google Translate does provide an English readable version of the original German text, you cannot use the Search function on the German forum - it expects German keywords!
Allen T.
British Columbia, Canada

"Little did I know how little I knew..."
Beiträge: 7
Registriert: 11.03.2011, 14:27
Wohnort: Québec,Canada

Beitrag von Evanhoe »

Marcus hat geschrieben:Do you use the "zip"-Version? And if so, did you unzip it before you use it? Unfortunately Windows let's us start a program from within a zip-file, with a lot of strange problems as a side-effect.

Whenever I dld a file as ZIP it's automatic I convert it to an Application.Did this time also,and I got the language problem!However the problem seems to be solved for now.I went to C/Program files where it all resides,I clicked the Ahnenblatt Folder and copied the application part to my Desktop,and for now it's working!Thanks for your help and Allen T. also.