Die Suche ergab 4 Treffer

von Autentiquish
12.10.2016, 21:14
Forum: General Support
Thema: Problem with Google Drive
Antworten: 3
Zugriffe: 4393

Thank you for your answer, Jürgen. I did so, but the problem is that every time I open the tree from another computer, I have to repeat the operation. And I have classified the images in multiple folders, is a bit heavy to do. Anyway, thank you very much your answer
von Autentiquish
07.10.2016, 17:55
Forum: General Support
Thema: Problem with Google Drive
Antworten: 3
Zugriffe: 4393

Problem with Google Drive

Hello everyone.

I have saved my family tree on Google Drive, with photo folders. But although I have synchronized, when I want to open it from another computer can not find the pictures. Still looking for them in the path of another computer.
von Autentiquish
09.03.2015, 17:31
Forum: General Support
Thema: Sharing a part of the tree
Antworten: 4
Zugriffe: 5422

Nein, ich habe versucht, und auch weiterhin verlassen diejenigen, die nicht wollen , zu teilen. Etwa 300 , aber es scheint, dass mehr als 1000 Menschen . Entschuldigen Sie mich , wenn falsch geschrieben , aber ich kann nicht schreiben, Englisch oder Deutsch ... Ich verwende einen Übersetzer.
von Autentiquish
09.03.2015, 14:27
Forum: General Support
Thema: Sharing a part of the tree
Antworten: 4
Zugriffe: 5422

Sharing a part of the tree

Hello everyone. Time ago I use this program. I think the best for genealogy . But I would like to share a part of the tree with my family and I do not know if there is a trick to do so. It 's about sharing only the part we have in common . I tried to make a copy of the complete tree and eliminate &q...