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Nombre compuesto

Verfasst: 28.09.2021, 20:42
von Blos
Estoy iniciándome en el programa, que me parece muy bueno, y me encuentro que al crear los arboles de antepasados los nombres compuestos aparecen únicamente con el primero. El segundo se pierde.
¿Es posible que aparezca el campo completo?
Muchas gracias

Verfasst: 28.09.2021, 21:48
von Bernd Görtz
Das ist Spanisch. Hier die Übersetzung:
Guten Morgen.
Ich beginne mit dem Programm, das ich für sehr gut halte, und ich finde, dass bei der Erschaffung von Ahnenbäumen die zusammengesetzten Namen nur mit dem ersten auftauchen. Der zweite ist verloren.
Ist es möglich, dass das ganze Feld erscheint?
Vielen Dank.

Verfasst: 29.09.2021, 00:11
von Fridolin
Hi Blos,

the Ahnenblatt software has multi-language features. We do not. Could you please a) write in English or b) use an online translation service like or to get your Spanish text into English?

As much as I understand, I would like to ask what you mean by "compound names"? Could you please give an example of what's happening or what you encounter?

And are you talking about family trees that you have generated or about the navigation window that always has a small section of the family looking close to an indented tree, too?

Verfasst: 29.09.2021, 07:22
von ahnenarmin
Hallo zusammen,
ich vermute Blos spricht folgendes Problem an:

Alle Spanier haben zwei Nachnamen. Bei der Heirat behalten beide Ehegatten ihre Nachnamen, es gibt keinen gemeinsamen Ehenamen. Kinder (gleich ob ehelich oder nichtehelich) erhalten als Nachnamen im Normalfall den ersten Nachnamen des Vaters und den ersten Nachnamen der Mutter.


Verfasst: 29.09.2021, 08:30
von Blos
I am referring to the case where the name field contains, for example, “Maria Antonia”.
In the ancestry tree chart, generated for printing in PDF, only “María” appears.

In many areas of Spain most of the women's names always had María first and then another name. Therefore, the display of only the first name is not very identifying.

Thank you very much for your help.

Verfasst: 29.09.2021, 08:35
von ahnenarmin
Hello Blos:

Optionen: Delete checkmark : "nur Rufnamen"

Greetings Armin

Verfasst: 29.09.2021, 08:43
von Blos
Ich danke Ihnen vielmals,
Es funktioniert perfekt.

Verfasst: 29.09.2021, 09:10
von Fridolin
ahnenarmin hat geschrieben:Alle Spanier haben zwei Nachnamen...
That's what I was thinking of, too. But was puzzled at the same time what could cause a problem. Well, it turned out that it was something else.

I think, we are all happy that the problem is solved.

BTW: For the English section of the forum, I often look up the English menu entries of the software - so that people find them easier. It's rather easy, as you can change the language of Ahnenblatt on the fly. But it worked this time.

Blos, even if this thread was a bit very multi-language: Come back to ask questions. In most cases, other users can help!

Verfasst: 06.09.2022, 15:19
von Pericotrino
recovered database from ahnenblatt 2.xx to 3.46 does not print the compound names "Jose Enrique" in the tree.
Checked and unchecked "nicknames only" but I can't get it

Verfasst: 06.09.2022, 17:33
von Fridolin

could you please explain a bit more in detail?

Or is it as simple as this: There are two different places where you may want nick names or not:

You can display the name in short or full length inside the Navigator - which is the start screen.

And you can select short or full name for tables (trees) in the Data settings when creating a table: CREATE > CHART > any type of chart > switch the menu from REPRESENTATION to DATA: Deselect option "Only main name" or try "First names" instead of "Short name single-line".

Verfasst: 06.09.2022, 20:55
von Pericotrino
Thank you, it is difficult for me to explain myself in English.
I see the names on the screen and I configure them well, but when creating the tree I only see the first name of the compound name. I put the options as enahnenblatt 2, which I do see the compound names, but in ahnenblatt 3 the compound names do not appear in the tree.

Verfasst: 06.09.2022, 21:11
von Pericotrino
when importing the base for ahnenblatt 3, the person's name appears in the "name" item, but it does not appear in "given name" and I think that is why it is not represented in the tree

Verfasst: 06.09.2022, 21:39
von Fridolin
DirkB decided to keep Ahnenblatt 2 and 3 totally independent. So you can have both versions side by side. But the consequence was that the settings from Ahnenblatt 2 don't show up in Ahnenblatt 3: You need to configure the new version totally from scratch. That's probably why your setting is fine in V.2 but not in V.3.

What about my first contribution: Check the setting in the [Data] section when creating a new table/chart. You easily miss that part of the settings - you can't set those options in the EXTRAS > OPTIONS dialog.

Verfasst: 07.09.2022, 14:27
von Pericotrino
Thank you very much Fridolin.
After different configurations, I only get it to show the compound name "Maria Eugenia" when it is written in the "given name" or "birth name" field.
The problem is that the names of the gedcom file the names appear in the "name" field and that's why I can't get their representation in the tree