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Printing Trees

Verfasst: 21.05.2019, 15:31
von Rosa
Congrats for this wonderful software!

I tried to print a tree of all my cousins (direct descendants from a great-grandfather) but even though I choose "actual size" it's coming out too small. What can be done?

Also, the first time I printed in PDF I got the pretty version but now I can't find the way to do it like that. I'd appreciate your indications to make it look pretty. I want to give it as a present to an elderly grand uncle who has been helping me with family stories.

Verfasst: 21.05.2019, 17:54
von Fridolin
Hi Rosa,

maybe we would need a little more explication. But let's try first:

If you create a tree, you first select a "program" (person on top/on the bottom; descendants/ancestors, siblings yes/no etc.) and get a preview. You'll have automatically a certain size by the number of persons in one row and the number of generations - everything calculated by the software.

Within the preview, you can then SAVE AS a PDF or an image and print with another tool - probably by resizing to fit on the paper (in Adobe Reader, you can print an PDF on multiple pages as a poster) or you can PRINT on a Printer and get it automatically on a certain number of sheets to cut off and stick together.

I didn't find a point asking for choosing "actual size". What exactly do you get?
