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Statistics - Age at marriage bug?

Verfasst: 02.05.2018, 18:41
von Guest
Hi everyone! I really like the statistics feature of Ahnenblatt, but I have noticed that if I try to generate the pie chart for Age at marriage (male/female), a blank graph gets outputted with no data points. I have several dates of birth and marriage dates for my ancestors, so I do not see why the program isn't calculating the marriage ages and plugging them into the graph. Any ideas on how to fix this? Thanks!

Verfasst: 02.05.2018, 20:46
von Jürgen T.
Hello guest,
does it work with the file beispiel.ahn?

Verfasst: 02.05.2018, 20:46
von Fridolin
Hello Guest,

you've got 0 out of 328 persons in your statistics - no wonder there is no pie chart. But why are there so few (indeed, no) women married? I tested it for myself and got a chart - but with 246 out of 2330 persons. I'm quite sure, there should be more than 500 women married in my family file: The selector plugin says, I've got 738 married persons that are female. Where have all the wifes in the statistics module gone?

No idea.
