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Ahnenblatt Portable + cloud (Dropbox)

Verfasst: 14.02.2017, 05:00
von cheebase

Some newbie questions...

Could the entire data structure housed on Dropbox and accessed while on the road with the PortableApp?
In case I ever misplace/lose the USB-key, at least I won't lose the data...

Also can I use the Portable as my main/only engine?

Thanks in advance for the answers!

Verfasst: 14.02.2017, 09:10
von Fridolin
Hello cheebase,

there are users who report to use Ahnenblatt with Dropbox or other cloud services. Some even report to use the software in a group of family members via a cloud service. But there is no mechanism to prevent from data loss when multiple access is given to the data.

AhnenblattPortable.exe is exactly built for that: full use of the software on different machines. There is only one restriction: standard paths are not stored within the portable version (as the drive letter of the usb stick may change on different computers), so you have to take more clicks to choose a picture or so.

Concerning the performance with Dropbox: give it a try! Maybe you come to the end that you store the data on your stick anyhow and just upload it from time to time into a cloud service.


Verfasst: 14.02.2017, 16:30
von Gast
OK, thanks!
Will try, see what happens...