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Problem with Google Drive

Verfasst: 07.10.2016, 17:55
von Autentiquish
Hello everyone.

I have saved my family tree on Google Drive, with photo folders. But although I have synchronized, when I want to open it from another computer can not find the pictures. Still looking for them in the path of another computer.

Verfasst: 08.10.2016, 22:15
von Jürgen T.
Hello Autentiquish,

i have no Google Drive Account, so i have to guess.

You could try this:
After uploading the ahn-file and the pictures, you could do "Tools" > "Remap images/files" and then tell Ahnenblatt where the pictures are on Google Drive.

Verfasst: 12.10.2016, 21:14
von Autentiquish
Thank you for your answer, Jürgen. I did so, but the problem is that every time I open the tree from another computer, I have to repeat the operation. And I have classified the images in multiple folders, is a bit heavy to do. Anyway, thank you very much your answer

Verfasst: 12.10.2016, 23:42
von Jürgen T.
Hello Autentiquish,

sorry, i don't know very much about Google Drive, but: When you did "Tools" > "Remap images/files", is it possible to save the file in Google Drive? The path to the pictures should be saved then.