Portable Ahnenblatt no longer uses "_altpath"

Questions about usage of Ahnenblatt
Beiträge: 25
Registriert: 25.08.2015, 08:27

Portable Ahnenblatt no longer uses "_altpath"

Beitrag von habell »

I use Ahnenblat by using an USB-stick, thus my drive-letter is hardly ever the same.
In 2.94 when de file was not found, it defaulted to the ALTPATH which is a relative path. But after updating it just says the file is not found.

I can restore it for every file manually every time I open Ahnenblatt (Extra - Find Images/Files), but that is very time-consuming (about 1000+ images/files in various folders on the USB-stick.

How can this be fixed?

PS: I use Ahnenblatt in Dutch by the way.
Beiträge: 7522
Registriert: 19.01.2006, 21:55

Beitrag von Marcus »

Dirk changed something in the portable versions, but he intended only to show a warning, that the paths in the portable version can't be changed (they can't be change for a long time already).
If he changed something else, he'll have to declare himself what the changes are about or if it's just a bug.

"Historically" Ahnenblatt Portable was thought to be used as a complement to an installed version and just to transfer your data or show them 'on the road'. ;) If you save your file from the computer to the USB-Stick (from within Ahnenblatt), Ahnenblatt recognizes the change of media and asks if you want to save the pictures and other files too. If you do so, it saves all files in one directory.
I use Ahnenblatt Portable with just this one directory and all the files within an never had any problems. But let's wait and see what Dirk has to say about the problem.
Beiträge: 1065
Registriert: 20.01.2006, 20:25
Wohnort: Hamburg
Danksagung erhalten: 1 Mal

Beitrag von DirkB »

Thanks, for your feedback - but I couldn't reproduce this situation.

I started Ahnenblatt from USB-Stick and opened a Ahnfile with direct (FILE D:\...\pictures\picture.jpg) and relative path (_ALTPATH .\pictures\picture.jpg).

In both different folders was the picture. After export as GEDCOM only the direct path was used in the file. That's special for the portable version. There is no _ALTPATH because normally all pictures have relative paths.

Second try: I renamed the direct folder, so the pictures could only be found in relative path.
After GEDCOM export all FILEs where relative.

What can I do to reproduce your situation ...?
You are using the latest version 2.95a ...?

- Dirk
Beiträge: 25
Registriert: 25.08.2015, 08:27

Beitrag von habell »

Sorry for the late response. But I was on holiday.

I think the problem is in my folderstructure. I use one folder for reference "foto's\",
but everything is in subfolders. Personel images in "\", documents en familypictures are in "\[name person + years]\", images from places are in "\plaatsen\". Most (if not all) images in the root of "foto's" are shown, but everything else is not found.
I've over 1000 directories now and a total of over 3000 images and more then 4000 documents. So this is for me the only way to keep track of everything.
Beiträge: 1065
Registriert: 20.01.2006, 20:25
Wohnort: Hamburg
Danksagung erhalten: 1 Mal

Beitrag von DirkB »

Now I was on holiday ... 8)

Some more infos - OK - but nothing that really helps me to reproduce the problem.

As I understand the program Ahnenblatt is on USB stick and also the .ahn file and all photos (in subfolders). Am I right ...?

When you save your .ahn file as GEDCOM file in same folder (on USB stick) you can open it with a text editor (e.g. notepad) and check FILE entries.

Give us some examples ...
What is the FILE entry within .ged file and what should it be (the real path to the file).
For relative paths it's only important where the .ged file is. So tell us also the path to the .ged file.

I hope it will get more clearer what the problem is about ...

- Dirk
Beiträge: 25
Registriert: 25.08.2015, 08:27

Beitrag von habell »

Oops. Somehow I did not see this reply.
Part of the GEDCOM file:
2 FILE D:\AhnenblattPortable\foto's\Hendricus_Lek_1905-1981\Gezin_Hein_Lek_en_Mien_Koeleman.jpg
3 _ALTPATH .\foto's\Hendricus_Lek_1905-1981\
3 FORM jpg
2 TITL Gezien Hein Lek en Mien Koeleman.

Where "D:" is the USB drive-letter on my main system. Now I am on my laptop en the drive letter is "E:" (the laptop has two HDD's, "D:" is not possible).
Allthough the altpath is correct, the image is not shown.
Everything is in "D:\AhnenblattPortable" (on my laptop this is "E:\AhnenblattPortable"), the AHN file, AhnenblattPortable.exe and the images are in the ".\foto's\" subfolder.