v2.94 BUG! - Language files (all!)

Questions about usage of Ahnenblatt
Beiträge: 52
Registriert: 14.12.2014, 07:06
Wohnort: West Coast of Canada

v2.94 BUG! - Language files (all!)

Beitrag von Mathemagician »

By accident, I'm sure (they were present in v2.93, I think), the heading translations for Tools/Options (left panel of dialog) were deleted from ALL language files. This was already reported on the German portion of the forum (here), and Dirk was supposed to post a newer release - a newer release WAS posted (Feb 14?), but language files were still in error.

For English users (temporary fix), add the following lines (my translation) - with a text editor - to the "English.lng" file, somewhere between "[OptionenForm]" (line 550) and "[TafelDruckForm]" (line 811):

Code: Alles auswählen

TabTreeView.9=Ancestors Tree (poster)
TabTreeView.10=Family Tree (poster)
TabTreeView.11=Import GEDCOM
TabTreeView.12=Privacy policy
TabTreeView.13=File association
TabTreeView.14=Integrity check
TabTreeView.15=Text symbols, Surnames
You can Select, Copy and Paste directly into the English language file. Other translations are beyond my control - hopefully you kept an older version...

:( There are OTHER deletions from the current (v2.94) language file(s)! It is tedious, but I will try to determine what is missing (I have some tools).

Later still!
I have put some time in and discovered 3 more entries that were accidentally deleted. They are - as above - in the "[OptionenForm]" section; to manually enter them (copy/paste) use the same line numbers as stated above. Line numbers change, but they MUST be in the "[OptionenForm]" section!

Code: Alles auswählen

See reply following Marcus' comments for a possible answer to the riddle... :wink:

The next day...
I have finally got my little "language tool" working as I wanted - I cross checked between my own version of the language file (incomplete, sort of) and Dirk's "English.lng". Aside from the missing entries (above), the "[OptionenForm]" section has several entries (General) that are outright wrong! I have confirmed this by using that language file, and trying out the options - toggling the Option has no effect on what it says it should do! Following is a list (modified) generated by my tool, and confirmed by behaviour (in at least one or two options - not all).

Code: Alles auswählen

Mine: AllgemeineOptionen.13=Warn if "New person" is added to an existing family
Dirk's: AllgemeineOptionen.13=Erase all connections when a person is deleted

Mine: AllgemeineOptionen.14=Message after "Sort family" function
Dirk's: AllgemeineOptionen.14=Warn if "New person" is added to an existing family

Mine: AllgemeineOptionen.15=Confirm when adding pictures from removable devices
Dirk's: AllgemeineOptionen.15=Message after "Sort family" function

Mine: AllgemeineOptionen.16=Ask when new person is created
Dirk's: AllgemeineOptionen.16=Apply change of name to all references

Mine: AllgemeineOptionen.17=Confirm saving HTML formats without privacy policy
Dirk's: AllgemeineOptionen.17=Confirm when adding pictures from removable devices

Mine: AllgemeineOptionen.18=Warn if not all data could be saved as CSV file
Dirk's: AllgemeineOptionen.18=Ask when new person is created

Mine: AllgemeineOptionen.19=Confirm when changing name of place in Places Management
Dirk's: AllgemeineOptionen.19=Confirm saving HTML formats without privacy policy

Mine: AllgemeineOptionen.20=Auto-correction of dates during input
Dirk's: AllgemeineOptionen.20=Warn if not all data could be saved as CSV file
All the other differences that were produced are just
  • things I haven't done yet
  • minor wording changes, or
  • capitalization changes
Zuletzt geändert von Mathemagician am 26.02.2016, 21:57, insgesamt 3-mal geändert.
Allen T.
British Columbia, Canada

"Little did I know how little I knew..."
Beiträge: 7522
Registriert: 19.01.2006, 21:55

Re: v2.94 BUG! - Language files (all!)

Beitrag von Marcus »

Dirk doesn't know what went wrong and just fixed the polish file for the 2.94(2) version, since he got a new file there anyway.
He'll try agian by rebuilding every single language file.

Mathemagician hat geschrieben: Later,
:( There are OTHER deletions from the current (v2.94) language file(s)! It is tedious, but I will try to determine what is missing (I have some tools).
If you spot more errors, it may lead him to the origin of the problem. He has no clue yet what went wrong.
Beiträge: 52
Registriert: 14.12.2014, 07:06
Wohnort: West Coast of Canada

Beitrag von Mathemagician »


I have struggled with my own Language file for some time - the language files are based on the resources, embedded in "Ahnblatt.exe". It's a little confusing (some are not touched, some are...) but I think I have "a handle" (programmer's joke?) on how to deal with this issue. However, items in the "[$CONSTANTS]" section of the language files are NOT necessarily (always?) based on the embedded resources (dialogs, tabsheets, etc.) but may appear ANYWHERE in the program; the display of the entries is part of the Delphi code! As a result, I have found it hard to translate (or improve) many items - to date, this section contains 871 entries? (but where do some display?...)

I have thought of a way to determine where some are displayed, hence, knowing the context, I can decide whether changes are needed. But my proposed experiment will take quite a while to look at - maybe in the future (not needed at this time). I have written a small tool to do comparisons between versions of the language files. In the past, I had to do it manually each time a new version was released - VERY time consuming and frustrating. My new tool tells me what has changed in the "blink of an eye", so that will help.

I suspect that Dirk may have a similar method of checking - looking at the "resource scripts" for each section (except "[$CONSTANTS]"). If a variable no longer appears in a resource (maybe it WAS there, but revisions have removed it), then it is not necessary in the language file. However, the 2 sets of entries posted a couple of messages above (in this thread), actually ARE in the resources, just not in a readable form.

When I extracted the resource scripts, my preferred tool - "ResourceEditor.exe" by Anders Melander decompiles the scripts, but those 2 missing sections are just decompiled as hex data! However, using a good hex editor to view the EXE file reveals (in the same area - a little hard to find!) the German equivalent of the missing English words/phrases! Dirk's own code for implementing the language files MUST read into those areas!

Dirk, does that shed any light on the issue? My little "cross-checking" tool will tell me everything I need to know about different versions of the LNG files, but the "[$CONSTANTS]" section is still a thorny issue; just because a word appears in the EXE file (use HxD - see above), that doesn't mean that it has anything to do with language file substitution!!

On another issue - I have spotted (on the German forums) past mentions of an issue when adding images to the Input Dialog, or maybe to Places Management. I had that same problem once, and discovered that the issue was NOT Ahnenblatt, but the images themselves! When I used a different set of images, it worked wonderfully. I haven't gotten around to experimenting with this, but I KNOW that there is something about the (JPG, in this case) images which confounds Ahnenblatt (maybe EXIF data). In the future I will investigate more.
Allen T.
British Columbia, Canada

"Little did I know how little I knew..."
Beiträge: 7522
Registriert: 19.01.2006, 21:55

Beitrag von Marcus »

Sounds like this should help Dirk spot the origin of the problem.
I'm of no help here. ;)
Beiträge: 52
Registriert: 14.12.2014, 07:06
Wohnort: West Coast of Canada

Beitrag von Mathemagician »

I have added a few more to the list (see first message in this thread) - some that are actually wrong. The scary thing is that I went back and looked at the v2.86 English.lng file (Dirk's, not mine) and they were wrong THEN! For at least one, I tested the behaviour and KNOW that mine is correct (AllgemeineOptionen.13). Maybe someone else could test out the remaining on that list, or at least have a look at German vs. English (Dirk's).

If my memory serves me, I actually used Google Translate for a bunch of stuff to rework the LNG file back in late 2014. Otherwise I wouldn't have been able to test it out for documentation. For example, the latest German file (AllgemeineOptionen.13) says Warnung, wenn "Neue Person" zur bestehenden Familie, but the English file says Erase all connections when a person is deleted.

Something has slipped a gear in the language mechanism! The good news is that I think I have reported them all (according to my X-checking tool) in the first post. I hope Dirk isn't using a spreadsheet for all this - I've seen some crazy stuff happen when a cell or two is deleted...

- Allen
Allen T.
British Columbia, Canada

"Little did I know how little I knew..."
Beiträge: 7522
Registriert: 19.01.2006, 21:55

Beitrag von Marcus »

That looks real bad :| but maybe only the English file is victim of the complete problem ...
As far as my Dutch, French and Spanish go, it looks like the translation of "Warnung, wenn "Neue Person" zur bestehenden Familie" is still correct in these files.

Dirk will have to dig and test this thoroughly.