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Ahnenblatt als GEDCOM-Datei speichern schließt Ahnenblatt

Verfasst: 31.12.2015, 18:36
von AnMaKn
when I try to save my .ahn-file I worked on in Ahnenblatt als a .ged-file (save as...), Ahnenblatt shows an error message, tries to recover the program and finally closes Ahnenblatt (without saving my file). In other words, I can't save my data in ged-formate. I saw this issue under windows 7 and after shifting to windows 10 the issue is remaining the same.
I would appreciate very much if somebody could poimt me to a solution to this.
Thanks a lot and have a great new year!

Verfasst: 01.01.2016, 21:53
von Marcus
Hello AnMaKn,

welcome to the Ahnenblattportal!

If you can reproduce this error with a special file it would be easiest to email this file to Dirk (developer of Ahnenblatt). The email-adress is found in the menu "?" of Ahnenblatt.

Do the other files - especially the Demo-files of Ahnenblatt - work without problems?

Verfasst: 01.01.2016, 23:09
von AnMaKn
Hello Marcus,
thanks for your response! This was helpful. The error is reproduceable, though.
Indeed the Demo-file does not show this problem. One other (earlier) version of my file is working, too. Unfortunately, it contains only 500 of my present 800 data sets. But before creating any work to others, I will try to locate the changes I made to the earlier version and see how I can reproduce.

Verfasst: 13.02.2016, 12:20
von DirkB
Hello Martin,

try the newest version of Ahnenblatt (2.93) and if the problem still exists mail me the file as Marcus suggested. Sometimes it's not much afford to find the error within Ahnenblatt for me - but it's helpful for all Ahnenblatt users.

- Dirk

Verfasst: 16.06.2016, 02:47
von janjmsn
How do I convert the anh file back to GEDCOM file? This program is not working for me. Please assist in English.
Thank you,

Verfasst: 17.06.2016, 03:57
von Marcus
Hi Jan,

just save the file ;) "File" - "Save as ..." - "Gedcom".