Date format

Beiträge: 7
Registriert: 20.05.2009, 04:23

Date format

Beitrag von sfoehner »

Is there any way to adjust the date format for an entire tree? I have trees with dates entered in various formats, and I would like them all to be the same.
Beiträge: 7522
Registriert: 19.01.2006, 21:55

Beitrag von Marcus »

In the menu "File" - "Properties" - "Date format" you can change the format for the current file. Unfortunately you can't change the existing values with that, since the date-fields in Ahnenblatt are actually text-fields (you can store any text in them!). The date-format is "just" a way to tell Ahnenblatt how to interpret these texts (for the plausibility check, sorting etc.).

If you have your trees in different files* the best way may be a csv-Export and then reading and changing the values of the date fields in a spreadsheet. Then reimport in Ahnenblatt and merge the files (if they shall be in one file).

Better idea (found in the german support section :D thanks to user "DieVo" ):
Some screenshots for the following steps: ... 3205#43205
  1. Copy your file to a new Gedcom-file ("File" - "Save As …").
  2. Import this file in Ahnenblatt.
  3. In the Gedcom-Import-Options (see Screenshots) you can change the date format for your "new" file!
  4. Change it here "File" - "Properties" - "Date format" too, if not correct.
  5. Save the file as a new Ahnenblatt File: "File" - "Save As …"
Hmm strange, doesn't work here for me. Maybe a bug in the new version? Have to ask Dirk if there is something not working correct or if I am the problem. ;)

* If they are in one file, I would suggest to split them first in different files.
Beiträge: 7
Registriert: 20.05.2009, 04:23

Beitrag von sfoehner »

Thanks for the tip! Exporting to .GED and re-importing seems to have worked for me. I was concerned because some of the date formats were, e.g., 11 Jul 2014, but everything seems to have been interpreted correctly.

It's also good to know that the date format is how Ahnenblatt interprets the date fields. Another problem I have been having with the 11 Jul 2014 style dates is that the plausibility check would fail on people who died in the current year (death date in future), so changing to a "supported" date format will also solve this for me.
Beiträge: 7522
Registriert: 19.01.2006, 21:55

Beitrag von Marcus »

sfoehner hat geschrieben:Thanks for the tip! Exporting to .GED and re-importing seems to have worked for me.
I Assume you still work with the older 2.74 version? There it worked fine! It looks like there is an bug in the very new version 2.81, which has to be fixed to be able to do this type of import again.
Beiträge: 7
Registriert: 20.05.2009, 04:23

Beitrag von sfoehner »

Hmm, I have both versions (2.74 and 2.81) installed on my machine, but I am 99% sure I used 2.81 when I did the export and import.

I have confirmed that I did do it with 2.81.
Beiträge: 7522
Registriert: 19.01.2006, 21:55

Beitrag von Marcus »

sfoehner hat geschrieben: I have confirmed that I did do it with 2.81.
Strange ... we have problems her duplicating the former results with the new version. Well then Dirk will have to dig for the problem. ;)
Thanks for the clarification!