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incomplete tree display

Verfasst: 29.04.2014, 22:57
von Alain
Hello from France,
I wish ahnenblatt to display, in one tree, all the relatives of my daughter, including, for exemple, her cousin (daughter of a half-brother of my wife).
Also including the mother, father and sister of my brother's wife.
:wink: Maybe ahnenblatt can't do that for the moment :wink:
:roll: I know ahnenblatt is free and i would thanks everyone involved in this project :wink:


Verfasst: 01.05.2014, 16:45
von Marcus
Hello Alain,

Ahnenblatt is able to display those peaple although I fear not in the same tree with your daughter as the origin.
It sound like you want to draw an ancestors tree or an hourglass. In the ancestors part of these trees Ahnenblatt shows up to two generations (if you chose "Large relationship tree" for "Ancestor" and/or "Root") of descendannts of every ancestor!*

Starting with your daughter it shows her mother and her grandparents. Now "down" (two generations) her uncle and her cousin. That should work in the tree, maye the half-brother is a problem for Ahnenblatt here - I'm not sure about that, but I think it should work with the afore mentioned option "Large raltionship tree".

The parents of your brothers wife are a bigger problem since they are no ancestors of your daughter an no descendants of an ancestor of your daughter. Ahnenblatt doesen't even try to put these people on the tree since in the general case the trees get way to complicated to draw if you include all those people. Although everybody of us has a family and a part in it, where it would work and it would be very important to include "just" these few people. But generalizing these cases for an computer algorithm is a hard problem.

Really involved in Ahnenblatt is just one gut - Dirk the developer of Ahnenblatt who is known as "DirkB" her in the Ahnenblattportal.

* And with these two generations of descendants of EVERY ancestor alone, you can get way too much people on one row to show without lot's of crossing lines.