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Ahnenblatt reader for Androïd ?

Verfasst: 15.10.2013, 14:41
von sebeh
I don't know if the question has already been asked, but it would be very nice if it's planned to make a viewer for androïd, which would allow to have a look and show our tree to everybody everywhere on our phone or tablet.

For the moment I have to make it with the geneanet application, but I don't like to put everything on the website, like pictures of my family for exemple. But it's necessary to have it with the pictures on the application on my tablet.

I would also say for the iOS but I guess it wouldn't be possible because to have a viewer with pictures and everything, it should be necessary to put the gedcom in the phone, but with iphone we can't put what we want.

Well, i hope this Ahnenblatt viewer for Androïd is in planned by the Ahenblatt team :)

Verfasst: 16.10.2013, 00:36
von Marcus
The team is just one guy: Dirk.
So I fear there won't be any "Ahnenblatt-Viewers" which support the "ahn"-files directly.

This might not be that important since you can export your family in quite a lot of different formats which you can use to show the results on Android or iOS. Most importantly may be the htm and html websites (which you don't have to publish to the internet! Just save the locally for your ersonal use) . Besides that you can save your trees and lists in pdf, doc or some graphic file formats.
If that all is not enough, make an gedcom-export and use your ged-file with the gedcom-viewer of your choice.

Most important: PRINT your trees (at least one or two!), stick them together and print a family list. Enjoy the visit to your relatives or the family-meeting where everybody can look, join the discussion and correct your data with new or better information with a simple pencil! It's well worth the try and way better than any tablet, laptop or phone - not matter who the manufacturer is. ;)

Verfasst: 16.10.2013, 19:05
von sebeh
Hello, thank you for your answer again.
Well I kenw that Dirk was the creator but I thought that you were in communication to improve the program.

I wasn't talking about to read an ahn file but a gedcom viewer, which would have a similar appearence with Ahnenblatt and which would make a nice navigation with also the pictures.

Well for the pdf yes i do this when I want to send a "branch?" to someone. And don't worry I've already printed it, but the same, for only some parts. Because as I told you once, I can't have a complete tree in pdf or other preview. For exemple, my grand father married a second time, with a woman who had already a son. This son have been recognized by my grand father, and he has always been my uncle to me, and his sons my cousins. But I never have them on my pdf or preview. I also don't have my other (half) cousins, the sons of the daughter of my grand father and my step grand mother, moreover I do have blood links with these last cousins.

And this viewer would be nice when I go to the archives, or if I talk genealogy to foreign people, to explain them, show them, etc. :wink:

Sorry for my long posts and sorry for my english...

Verfasst: 16.10.2013, 22:03
von Marcus
No problem with your englisch, sebeh!

Since I still resist the felt need to get an android-phone myself I don't have a lot of experience with it. But ther should be a gedcom-viewer out there, who fills most needs of us!?

Maybe other users here can give us some insight which app they use. ;)

Verfasst: 17.10.2013, 09:07
von MarcP

i played the last Days with Android Studio and Eclipse.
I think its a pain to test the Programms on the build in Emulator. Very Slow. Need 1 min to start by every run. (core i5 2500k 8GB RAM). I have no Time :)
And i not yet write anything in java.
I only know to programming in vbnet and c#.
Maybe i made anything for Win Phone. Same Development IDE > Not so big difference to Android Studio and Java.
But ihave a only android Phone. Maybe the next is Winphone. :D

To make a Ahnenblatt App from another Person have more Problems:
Only Dirk know how the Tree is calculating and how exactly *.ahn works.

I think the best way is to use another compatible getcom Program ... apps&hl=de

Verfasst: 18.10.2013, 15:05
von Marcus
Marc it shouldn't it be geDcom instead of geTcom to find the proper apps?!

Verfasst: 18.10.2013, 16:51
von MarcP
Oh right.

But the result is nearly the same :D

Verfasst: 22.10.2013, 18:45
von Roger Paini
Hi Price

Actually there is a way to develop for Android in C#. It's called Xamarin.Android. That's the good part, the bad one is that it costs...

I'm using it in my job as it allows to use existing libraries on Android :-).


Verfasst: 22.10.2013, 20:21
von sebeh
Thank you for your answers.

Well I wasn't talking about reading ahn files, but yes just a simple gedcom viewer, but which would be close to ahnenblatt ergonomy.

Of course there are some gedcom viewers on the play store, the most famous is gedstar pro, but it's not full free, and i tried it and really donc like, it's not intuitive as the geneanet app is for exemple.

Hmm and about the complete tree with all cousins etc, may I create a new topic for it ?

Verfasst: 22.10.2013, 21:32
von MarcP
Thank you for the tip Roger.
I try the free version.
The features from Business Version sounds good but 1000$.....

Verfasst: 24.10.2013, 12:36
von johannesson
Could anybody recommend any GEDOM-Reader for ANDROID? Last week I had the problem that I forgot my USB-Stick and had only GEDCOM-Files stored, but could't show them on my tablet.
Thanks for any info.


Verfasst: 27.10.2013, 10:36
von Chlodwig
johannesson hat geschrieben:Could anybody recommend any GEDOM-Reader for ANDROID?
Yes! I'm using "Family Bee" since several years and I can really recommend it. It's very simple to look after persons in your file when you are abroad
(it uses a *.ged version of your file). Unfortunately it is not free but its worth the investment.


Verfasst: 27.10.2013, 21:24
von Jürgen T.
Hello sebeh, hello johannesson, hello Chlodwig,

I'm using "Family Bee" too and i like it.

Actually i testet other (free) Ged-Viewer and i would prefer this three ones:

1. "Family GTG (free)"
Very nice, with pictures
2. "GedTreeFree"
It looks very nice, but often it shuts down.
Without pictures
3. "ezGEDViewer"
It works, but without pictures

Verfasst: 27.10.2013, 21:25
von Jürgen T.
Hello sebeh,
sebeh hat geschrieben:Hmm and about the complete tree with all cousins etc, may I create a new topic for it ?
yes, you should do this.