1031: Diacritics in PDF files

Questions about usage of Ahnenblatt
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1031: Diacritics in PDF files

Beitrag von ivod »

Hello all,

two weeks ago I exported my family tree to PDF with success. But now the exported PDF files miss some diacritic signs used in Czech code page (wedges above r, c, n, ...): I tried to look for embedded fonts packed into the PDF file and found this difference:
Good PDF:
Arial (Embedded Subset)
Type: TrueType (CID)
Encoding: Identity-H
Object Number: 16
Bad PDF:
Arial (Embedded)
Type: TrueType
Encoding: WinAnsiEncoding
Object Number: 8

But I do not find any option how to affect the embeded fonts...

2 weeks ago it worked, now not. Why???

PS: export to JPG, GIF, PNG works as expected (=well).

Best Regards

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Registriert: 19.01.2006, 21:55

Beitrag von Marcus »

Hello Ivo,

why it worked two weeks ago and doesn't work now is something I can't help you without more information what change in between on your system, data or Ahnenblatt.

But maybe I can help you generate a pdf where all signs show up as expected: Just try a pdf-printer and "print" your tree into an pdf-file!
A pdf-printer is a tool that installs itself as a printer into your system but doesen't print paper - it "prints" files! With a pdf-printer (like "FreePDF" e.g.) you can then save any file you create (from all you applications, not only Ahnenblatt!) in a pdf by using the print-dialoge of the respective software and the new pdf-printer of your system.
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Registriert: 26.03.2013, 12:53

Beitrag von ivod »

Hello Marcus,

I tried PDF Creator as soon as I found this strange behavior - all wedges are OK. But PDF Creator divides the whole family tree into pages (A3, A2, ...), Ahnenblatt can create "one page tree". PDF Creator is only workaround, not the solution.

Ahnenblatt knows how to create internationalized PDF files, but when I tested all the family tree export options (full tree, only fathers, up to level 4, ...) I accidentally switched-over some important option. But I do not know what option :( and how to repair it.

What information should help you (or Dirk) to identify the problem?

Thank you

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Registriert: 19.01.2006, 21:55

Beitrag von Marcus »

The pdf Creator should be able to put all one one sice too. Maybe you have to change the size of the "paper" first? As far as I remember in the printer or page setup of Ahnenblatt when generating the tree.

If you have a test-file which you send me, maybe I can find a difference in the export of the pdf-export of Ahnenblatt. I will also search our forum if one of our users already had a problem like that.
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Registriert: 19.01.2006, 21:55

Beitrag von Marcus »

I found an similiar older error-descritpion:
http://www.ahnenblattportal.de/viewtopi ... 5719#35719

Maybe you can send your file, a corresponding pdf, a short descritpion (starting person, which tree etc.) and a link to this discussion to Dirk? Then he should be able to track it down.
His eMail-adress is found in the "?"-menu (then "info") of Ahnenblatt.
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Registriert: 26.03.2013, 12:53

Beitrag von ivod »

Hello Marcus,

You can test this problem at your computer very easy even without my data - change language of your Ahnenblatt to Czech - Czech template for family tree has character ř (r with wedge). I attached to this message img that shows part of my PDF files before / after. As you can see some diacritics characters are not affected (š = s with wedge) but some are affected (ř = r with wedge, see Předci x Predci, Jiří x Jirí).

I suppose this problem relates to the fonts packed into the PDF file (now Ahnenblatt at my PC packs into PDF another fonts that it packed two weeks ago). Font is set to "Arial - Central European" all the time.

Best Regards

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Beitrag von Marcus »

ivod hat geschrieben: You can test this problem at your computer very easy even without my data - change language of your Ahnenblatt to Czech - Czech template for family tree has character ř (r with wedge). I attached to this message img that shows part of my PDF files before / after.
Both characters are working well for me - see attached image.

Did you control your data in Ahnenblatt? Are the "ř" still where they should be or did they change to "r" and the printing dialog is working fine?
Just to clarify this point: Are the characters shown in the tree (before the export) correct? I would assume so, since you wrote that exports in other formats are working well.

I suppose this problem relates to the fonts packed into the PDF file (now Ahnenblatt at my PC packs into PDF another fonts that it packed two weeks ago). Font is set to "Arial - Central European" all the time.
If it's a problem with one of the fonts on your computer (or in Ahnenblatt), just change the selected font. See image 2 where to change the font. Maybe the font "got lost" and Ahnenblatt exports with a standard font?
If all works well it uses the same font on the tree in Ahnenblatt and in the export to pdf.

I found another error though, in the function "adjust" ("Upravit" - "Angleichen" in german) and already contacted Dirk with the basic information and a link to this thread. Maybe these problems are somehow related and he can reproduce your error.

PS Sorry for my lame fantasy about czech names, professions and places. It's just a test ;-)

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Zuletzt geändert von Marcus am 07.12.2013, 04:38, insgesamt 2-mal geändert.
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Registriert: 26.03.2013, 12:53

Beitrag von ivod »

Hello Marcus,

I tried to change fonts there and back with no luck (btw I use standard Arial font as default and this font does not look corrupted in other apps).
The only difference I see in these two PDFs is font encoding of packed fonts. Working PDF file contains "Identity-H", not-working file contains "WinAnsiEncoding". But I am not able to find the place where to change this one. Maybe only app author can enlight the problem source.

Thank you for your patience.

Best Regards

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Beitrag von Marcus »

Something in your data has to be different ... I don't know where to search for the origin. Maybe Dirk has a new idea. It almost looks like Ahnenblatt doesen't recognize the utf-8 encoding of the file and then generates the pdf with the wrong encoding font.
Are you working with a Gedcom-File (*ged)? Then I would recommend to save your file in Ahnenblatt own format (*.ahn) and test it again.

If you want, you can test if it works with a file from me. I attach my little testfile with two persons. Maybe it works for you too andyou can see a difference?!
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Beitrag von ivod »

Hello Marcus,

your file works like a charm, my ahn files not (both my real family tree and new file created for testing purpose).

I attach here AHN file (new file created from scratch) and corresponding PDF file. If you find what is wrong in my AHN file and why Ahnenblatt packs wrong fonts and wrong encoding to PDF file I will be most grateful to you.

Best Regards

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Beitrag von Marcus »

I've no problem with your file. Everything works as expected and the pdf (that I generate here) has the right encoding.

Sorry, I have no idea what's going wrong on your computer ... do you use the newest Version 2.74?
Otherwise I can only suggest to play around with different styles and fonts ... maybe something changes. :?
Or uninstall and reinstall Ahnenblatt. Maybe something got lost on your computer.

We have to hope that Dirk will find more here ...
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Registriert: 26.03.2013, 12:53

Beitrag von ivod »

Hello Marcus,

I used Ahnenblatt 2.71 ZIP version (no instalation, only unpacking to the target location). When I found this strange behaviour I downloaded and unpacked the latest version - 2.74, but strange behaviour persists. It is crazy that your ahn file looks well at my computer and my own ahn file looks corrupted. But my "corrupted" file looks well at your PC. Can you, please, check what fonts and what encoding is packed in the PDF file created from my "corrupted" ahn? Is it "Identity-H" or "WestAnsiEncoding"?

I suppose we must wait for Dirk to tell us what condition Ahnenblatt use for selecting the PDF file encoding.

I use ZIP version, therefore I can delete the app directory but I cannot uninstall the app. At this moment I run Ahnenblatt 2.74, Win 7 Czech, 64 bit. I try to play with different fonts but I never changed fonts since "corruption" appeared, therefore I do not believe much that this helps.

Best Regards

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Registriert: 19.01.2006, 21:55

Beitrag von Marcus »

ivod hat geschrieben:Can you, please, check what fonts and what encoding is packed in the PDF file created from my "corrupted" ahn? Is it "Identity-H" or "WestAnsiEncoding"?
Oh sorry, with "right encoding", I meant that the pdf I generate has "Identity-H" encoding.
Fonts: "Arial".
Strange :o
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Registriert: 26.03.2013, 12:53

Beitrag von ivod »

Marcus hat geschrieben:Oh sorry, with "right encoding", I meant that the pdf I generate has "Identity-H" encoding.
"Identity-H" is right encoding.

I am affraid we must wait for Dirk.

Best Regards
