Problem with pdf export

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Registriert: 08.11.2012, 15:18

Problem with pdf export

Beitrag von sebeh »

Hello, i'm new on this forum so I don't know if it's the right place to ask my question for help.

I'm using ahnenblatt for a year aproximatively, and hadn't any problem.
But yesterday i wanted to export my tree in pdf to send it. And some colors windows (i'm using the classic pink and blue windows) disapears on some people on the right of my tree... And there is a very big pink window on the top left, that hides my more ancient ancestors situated on the left of my tree...

I hope someone could help me...

Thanks in advance...
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Registriert: 19.01.2006, 21:55

Beitrag von Marcus »

Hello sebeh,

welcome to the Ahnenblattportal!

Unfortunately I can not imagine what happens on your PC when trying to export a pdf. Maybe you can attach a screen-shot here?
Beiträge: 20
Registriert: 08.11.2012, 15:18

Beitrag von sebeh »

Hello Marcus,

thank you for your answer.

Here is the screenshot of my pdf,
where you can see the big pink window on the top left, and the people without window on the right... ... 540494.jpg

Marcus: Uploaded the picture here with a width of 600 px, so the thread stay readable without scrolling to the right.
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Beitrag von Nachfahre »

Hello sebeh,

welcome to the Ahnenblattportal!

I can confirm your findings.
I have seen similar issues as well even with different frames.

People without frames on the right side of the printing.

take care,
- Nachfahre
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/ George Bernard Shaw
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Registriert: 13.01.2008, 20:48
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Beitrag von Iemhoff »

Hello sebeh,

What's happend when you change the zoom value?

MfG. Iemhoff

----------------“doing by trying; trying by doing”-----------------
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Beiträge: 431
Registriert: 13.01.2008, 20:48
Wohnort: Wo andere Urlaub machen

Beitrag von Iemhoff »

Hallo sebeh,

On with way you have make the pdf-file ?
from Save and than pdf-item.
or do you have take a pdf-writer (Freepdf, PDFCreator) from the tab printing?


PS When you take "Save and than pdf-item" what's happend when your choise is JPG or TIFF??
MfG. Iemhoff

----------------“doing by trying; trying by doing”-----------------
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Beiträge: 20
Registriert: 08.11.2012, 15:18

Beitrag von sebeh »

Hello and thank you for your answers,
when i make a zoom on the pdf it's the same..
Juste whil it's zooming the big pink window on top left appears and desappears, becoming blue, pink, blue, but very very quickly, just the time to make the zoom. then it's just pink.

When I make a jpeg there is no problem.

Before I always did it in pdf and never had problem, it's the first time i have a problem...

I make it all from anhenblatt, i make the tree, and from the tree i save, in pdf-file...
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Registriert: 13.01.2008, 20:48
Wohnort: Wo andere Urlaub machen

Beitrag von Iemhoff »

Hallo sebeh,

Do you have a new PC?
Window 7?
Service Pack?
Who many RAM does have your system?

What's happend when you change the frame? Take a easy one and then a big one.

what's the resolution from your monitor.
(Doyou have make a updating from your grafic-board?).

Say you have now 500people on your chart, what's happend when you have say about 100people and making then the chart.

MfG. Iemhoff

----------------“doing by trying; trying by doing”-----------------
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Beiträge: 20
Registriert: 08.11.2012, 15:18

Beitrag von sebeh »

Hallo Iemhoff, hello everyone,

No i have the same PC since a few years, with windows vista, i don't really remember about the service pack, and i have 4 Go of RAM...

What do you call the frame ? A esay one and a big one ?

My monitor is a very higj resolution, i'm on a 17" with a WUXGA definition which is 1920x1200.

No updating of my grafic board.

When I make other trees it's ok.

Sorry I didn't understand about what i have to do with 500 people on chart ? And 100.

Thank you again
Beiträge: 431
Registriert: 13.01.2008, 20:48
Wohnort: Wo andere Urlaub machen

Beitrag von Iemhoff »


a. please make a chart with only 50people.

b. when you haved make a chart with more people and you used the zoom function is then all ok?

MfG. Iemhoff

----------------“doing by trying; trying by doing”-----------------
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Beiträge: 7522
Registriert: 19.01.2006, 21:55

Beitrag von Marcus »

We had the same problem twice. Unfortunately the former users didn't answer after a few tries ... ;) Since we are not able to repeat this behaviour, there is no solution yet.
To track the error we need an *ahn-File which shows that error. So it would be nice if you could eMail me your file to test it and maybe let Dirk (developer of Ahnenblatt) look into it and fix the bug (if there is one).
If so just send me a message to Marcus @ ahnenblattportal . de (without the spaces)

As a quick fix for you, you can install an pdf-printer (like freePDF or pdfCreator or any other printer driver which prints pdf-files) and print your tree (just like on paper, only with the new 'printer') in an pdf-file. At least this worked for the last two users which shared the same problem.
Beiträge: 20
Registriert: 08.11.2012, 15:18

Beitrag von sebeh »

Hello and sorry for my late,

Iemhoff, i'm sorry but i don't understand what you mean by "make a chart"...
Very sorry...

Marcus, I've just sent you the folder containing my family tree and the files attached, and also the pdf with the problem.

Thank you all again
Beiträge: 7522
Registriert: 19.01.2006, 21:55

Beitrag von Marcus »

First test here show that everything works just fine! Will give it another try tomorrow ...

The only (quick) solution for you will be to install an pdf-printer as mentioned in my last post.
Beiträge: 431
Registriert: 13.01.2008, 20:48
Wohnort: Wo andere Urlaub machen

Beitrag von Iemhoff »

hallo sebeh,

When you save your file how big is he on your hdd (c: )

Take a other frame (a simple one) ; how big?

Doyou write in dutch,netherlands,olland? If yes send me your tel-nr by pn. :-)

Rg iemhoff
MfG. Iemhoff

----------------“doing by trying; trying by doing”-----------------
-------Mann bleibt nicht so jung wie man möchte-------