File and Alternative Paths for image


File and Alternative Paths for image

Beitrag von ivod »

Hello all,

I apologise for this question (but I did not find any solution in forum) - I run portable version of Ahnenblatt (2.71) on Win 7. If I add new image, then the File Path (Dateipfad) and Alternative Path (Alternativpfad) equals. Image is in Ahnenblatt subdirectory (n:\wp\Gen\Ahnenblatt\Obr\obr\palacky_fr.jpg), AHN file is in the app main directory (n:\wp\Gen\Ahnenblatt\XXX.ahn). I think the Alternative Path should be relative (Obr\obr\ or similar), shouldn't be? This brings me problems when running app from another path (USB, home pc, parents pc, ...). Is it bug or feature?

Best Regards

Ivo Dostal
Beiträge: 7522
Registriert: 19.01.2006, 21:55

Beitrag von Marcus »

Hello Ivo,

welcome to the Ahnenblattportal!

I think it isn't a problem it's just looking strange because we expect something different. I have the same "problem" in one of my files, but never actually had a problem with this file or it's pictures and files. Ahnenblatt always shows them all correctly!

Do you already have a problem when running Ahnenblatt from a different path (Computer) or do you just 'expect' them?

If there already is a problem, let me explain the difference between the Ahnenblatt-portable and the portables of different software. The portable here was developed as an additional tool when working/showing your data on a different computer. The original way to do that is to save the ahn-file from the local hard disk to the USB-stick in Ahnenblatt. Not with the windows explorer, but direct in Ahnenblatt! Ahnenblatt detects the change of media and:
Ahnenblatt then asks you if you want so save the pictures and other appended files as well. Answer yes and all these files will be stored in the same directory on the stick.
Later at home you can save back the data to the hard disk, or just maintain the version on the PC and use the mobile version(s) just for presentations.

Beitrag von Gast »

Marcus hat geschrieben:...
The portable here was developed as an additional tool when working/showing your data on a different computer. The original way to do that is to save the ahn-file from the local hard disk to the USB-stick in Ahnenblatt. Not with the windows explorer, but direct in Ahnenblatt! Ahnenblatt detects the change of media and:
Ahnenblatt then asks you if you want so save the pictures and other appended files as well. Answer yes and all these files will be stored in the same directory on the stick.
Later at home you can save back the data to the hard disk, or just maintain the version on the PC and use the mobile version(s) just for presentations.
Hello Marcus,

thank you very much for your explanation.

My idea was:
  1. to copy Ahnenblatt application to USB,
  2. to create the ahn-file here,
  3. to copy images to some subdir and then
  4. to run the application directly from USB
Now I copy Ahnenblatt appliction to my hard drive and I will use USB-stick for "data transfer" only.

Thank you very much again. Greetings to Germany.

Ivo Dostal
Beiträge: 7522
Registriert: 19.01.2006, 21:55

Beitrag von Marcus »

Hi Ivo,

one more suggestion! There are two different versions of Ahnenblatt: One "normal" version, to be installed on a PC. And one (ok actually there are 3 of them) for use on a USB-stick.
You shoulnd't copy one application to another drive ... just install the proper version!