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Can't dlete names

Verfasst: 11.03.2011, 15:11
von Evanhoe
I recently discovered Ahnenblatt,and it quickly became my favorite genealogy app.I tried half a dozen before,but Ahnenblatt is the simplest one to use,and is very attractive.I need help to solve a small problem,in that when I click certain names I end up with 5 entries,and I can't delete 4 of them safely.I've come across this problem in "Plausibility Check" ect..
What am I doing wrong? Thanks for the help.

Verfasst: 11.03.2011, 16:40
von Marcus
Hello Van,

welcome to the "Ahnenblattportal"!

To help you, (at least I) need some more information on what exactly you're doing (e.g. which message do you get in the plausibility check?), and what you did expect to happen and what actually happens then.

Can't delete duplicate names

Verfasst: 12.03.2011, 14:25
von Evanhoe
Marcus hat geschrieben:Hello Van,

welcome to the "Ahnenblattportal"!

To help you, (at least I) need some more information on what exactly you're doing (e.g. which message do you get in the plausibility check?), and what you did expect to happen and what actually happens then.
Hi Marcus,
Thanks for the quick reply.As an example the attached plausibility attatchment shows the same name twice,and I would like to delete one of them without screwing up that persons record.I click one of them and click delete,but nothing happens! ... or_110.jpg
There are many other instances of duplicates (or even more) being entered I don't know why ! I hope this will be enough info for you,to help me correct this.

Verfasst: 13.03.2011, 13:12
von johannesson
Rita, child of William is also the sister of William (due to your entries). You have to delete the sibling entry.....
(Or, if Rita really is the sister of William, you have to delete the child entry....)

Verfasst: 13.03.2011, 15:24
von Nachfahre
Hello Van,

I agree to Reinhard's analysis.
Your issue starts with the status of Rita Periard.

After you deleted the wrong connection. (Either the sister-brother connection to William or the child-father connection to William) everything should be solved.

have fun,
- Othmar

Verfasst: 15.03.2011, 14:54
von Evanhoe
Thank you both for the help,
Yes I had Rita as a sibling of William Joseph,I corrected this error I had made.
On checking the Plausibility list I had 84 errors in there ! For instance William Joseph appeared in there 8 times.I don't know how that happened but I have now wittled down the list to 23 errors.Now that I know how to do it,i'll fix quickly.Thanks for the help.