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Verfasst: 13.09.2010, 06:46
von boetman
Brilliant programme! But how do it install plug-ins?

Re: Plug-in

Verfasst: 13.09.2010, 18:19
von Jürgen T.
Hello boetman,
boetman hat geschrieben:Brilliant programme! But how do it install plug-ins?
klick here:

and klick on the name of the Plugin you want. e. g. "Plugin: Insel Finder".

Then klick on the Button "Download". You will get a Zip-File.

When the Download has finished you have to unzip the Zip-File into the folder "....\Ahnenblatt\Plugins".

When you then start Ahnenblatt you can use the Plugin. (Tools > Insel Finder).