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How to insert new child into existing elder to younger order

Verfasst: 02.04.2010, 20:59
von noelderf
Please can you help me. My problem is to insert a new child into existing elder to younger order.
I have 10 children already typed into the "children window", but now find there is 1 more child (just found) to insert into the middle of the 10 (to keep chronological order, elder to younger)
Is it possible to do this, without deleting and starting over again? If so, how do I do it please?

Verfasst: 02.04.2010, 21:54
von Torquatus
Hello noelderf,

insert the child on number 11 und then klick to "adjust data" und secondly to "Sort". That is all :)

Children without birth date are sorted alphabetically at the end.

I'm not speaking English, but I hope you understand me.


Verfasst: 03.04.2010, 14:47
von noelderf
Torquatus hat geschrieben:Hello noelderf,

insert the child on number 11 und then klick to "adjust data" und secondly to "Sort". That is all :)

Children without birth date are sorted alphabetically at the end.

I'm not speaking English, but I hope you understand me.
Thank you Torquatus.
That is very understandable.
Your English is very good (sehr gut). It is better than my German.
Danke schoen