Spanish bugs


Spanish bugs

Beitrag von caconando »

Great you have the choice if a cople of parents married or not. But when you run a chart the unmerried mother, grandmother does not appears. Also, married people are reffered to "oo" instead of "con". I suggest that married = casado/casada and unmerried parents = con
Beiträge: 7522
Registriert: 19.01.2006, 21:55

Re: Spanish bugs

Beitrag von Marcus »

caconando hat geschrieben: But when you run a chart the unmerried mother, grandmother does not appears.
If they are your ancestors they should show up, no matter which martial status was chosen.
Can you give an example? Which chart do you mean, who is the main person and which relatives do you miss?

caconando hat geschrieben:
Also, married people are reffered to "oo" instead of "con". I suggest that married = casado/casada and unmerried parents = con
It's an older wish, that there should be different (or at least no) signs for different types of relationships.
Hope it will get corrected in one of the next releases.