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Verfasst: 16.03.2019, 12:29
von Fridolin
That means, "private" flags work fine. Nice to hear - never tried before.


Unicode (UTF-8) is no longer supported on version 3.23

Verfasst: 20.05.2021, 20:06
von sieu
I'm Sieu and live in France. I'm a vietnamese translator of Ahnenblatt.
I have installed version 3.23 but Unicode seems no longer supported in Ahnenblatt's windows. When exporting data to GEDCOM, Unicode characters are not all correctly exported. Non western europeans char are replaced by "?" in both cases.
Now I would like to downgrade to version 3.22. Could you please give me a links to get it.
Thank you for yours help

Verfasst: 20.05.2021, 20:55
von Fridolin
Hi Sieu,

you are the first one to report such problems. I don't think Unicode is intended not to work - that must be a bug!

What do you mean by "in both cases"?

I'm sorry, I don't have AB 3.22 any more. The last one I have saved was 3.19.

But feel free to report the problem to @DirkB who should be able to care about your problem.

Salut Sieu,

je n'avais pas encore entendu d'une telle complainte. Unicode devrait sûrement fonctionner. Si ca ne marche pas chez toi, c'est par défaute.

Malheureusement, je n'nai plus AB 3.22; tout ce que je peux t'offrir pour l'instant, c'est 3.19. Mais peut-être t'as envie d'envoyer un message à @DirkB, l'auteur du software pour l'informer du problème.

Verfasst: 20.05.2021, 20:58
von Fridolin
One more point: Is it possible that you just switched your font in your editor so you get those "?" marks?

What happens to those "?" letters if you re-import that *.ged file? Are the characters really lost?


Verfasst: 21.05.2021, 18:29
von sieu
Hi Frido,
Thank you for your reply. Here an example I get in version 3.23: my surname "NGUYỄN" becomes "NGUY?N" in exported GEDCOM file and windows content. However, the menu options and windows titles are correctly displayed.

Verfasst: 21.05.2021, 19:14
von Fridolin
Hi sieu,

could we perhaps try to track this problem step by step?

1. You have successfully inserted your surname NGUYỄN into Ahnenblatt. Which mean: You get it displayed inside Ahnenblatt Navigator and Editor as it should. Maybe, it is also correctly shown within a table or a list.

2. You can save your personal data within an *.ahn file and reopen it within Ahnenblatt - and your name is still displayed correctly? Which would mean: You don't loose data while closing and reopening Ahnenblatt, right?

3. If you save your data as a *.ged file and close and reopen Ahnenblatt, what would happen to you name?

4. With what software would you open that file externally to verify the content of your GEDCOM file? Windows editor? Or Notepad++? Or something else? What font would you use to display that file when you see the "NGUY?N"? Is it possible that it's all only a problem of the right font in you external editor?

Verfasst: 22.05.2021, 08:39
von sieu
Goodmorning Frido,
Dirk seems release a new version 3.24. When I launch my current 3.22, I get an update message shows me a new version 3.24 is available. I'll wait until the update is available to download.
I tried several steps with both 3.22 and 3.23 with the sample file demo-unicode.ahn and here are the differents:
- The person named Лариса Семёновна is correctly displayed by 3.22. Her name is all replaced with "?" in 3.23.
- Create a new person with Unicode charset in data works fine wih 3.22. In 3.23, all Unicode chars can be typed and correctly displayed in input dialog windows but then are converted to "?" when leaving dialog windows.
- In 3.22, GEDCOM saved file preserves all unicode chars and I can view them with Windows notepad. The notepad font is Arial-Normal.
- In 3.23, exported GEDCOM file have non Western Europeans chars are replaced by "?". I can see this using Windows notepad with the same font.
I will wait for the upcoming Ahnenblatt 3.24 and will keep you informed if the issue is solved or not.

Verfasst: 22.05.2021, 08:51
von Fridolin
Great, so at least you didn't have data loss!

Good idea to test with the unicode example file!

Verfasst: 22.05.2021, 09:09
von sieu
Good new,
Ahnenblatt 3.24 has fixed this issue. Many thanks for your advice and for Dirk for his great work.
The download site still says the current version is 3.23 but the downloaded package is 3.24.
I would like to show you another bug I have discovered when I test the 3.23: from the "Source Management ...", if my document directory path has non western european chars in name, the path cannot be reached. Any file name with non western european chars cannot either be found. THis bug occurs even in 3.22 and perhaps before. It is not a major bug for my use since I have named all my files and paths with displayable chars.

Verfasst: 22.05.2021, 09:36
von Fridolin
I'm not fully sure, but I believe to remember that paths and filenames for Ahnenblatt cannot be fully Unicode.

This isn't only an issue for the family file itself, but maybe also for media paths/file names: for linked photos etc. If you would be interested to try out?

EDIT: No testing necessary: In spring 2020, Dirk himself stated that Unicode can only be used within AB, but not for referencing anything from outside: AB does not support Unicode within file names etc.

The last time, Dirk mentioned an issue with Unicode inside AB was in 2014 - way before I entered the scene.

Re: Unicode (UTF-8) is no longer supported on version 3.23

Verfasst: 22.05.2021, 12:00
von DirkB
Hi Sieu,
sieu hat geschrieben:Hi,
I'm Sieu and live in France. I'm a vietnamese translator of Ahnenblatt.
I have installed version 3.23 but Unicode seems no longer supported in Ahnenblatt's windows.
Thank you for your hint.
There is a new version 3.24 out now, where this error is fixed.
Start Ahnenblatt and then from main menu "? / Search for update..." (or similar in Vietnamese ... 8) ).

- Dirk

Verfasst: 22.05.2021, 13:05
von sieu
Fridolin hat geschrieben:I'm not fully sure, but I believe to remember that paths and filenames for Ahnenblatt cannot be fully Unicode.

This isn't only an issue for the family file itself, but maybe also for media paths/file names: for linked photos etc. If you would be interested to try out?

EDIT: No testing necessary: In spring 2020, Dirk himself stated that Unicode can only be used within AB, but not for referencing anything from outside: AB does not support Unicode within file names etc.

The last time, Dirk mentioned an issue with Unicode inside AB was in 2014 - way before I entered the scene.
Yes, Dirk is right. I have tested several software before Ahnenblatt and all of them have the same path issue that's why I rename all my files and folders name using standard western european charset. Anyway, my family tree is first intended to our chidren and relatives which all live in France.
Again, thank you Dirk for the great software and Frido for advice.