Features requests ?

Questions about usage of Ahnenblatt
Beiträge: 17
Registriert: 31.12.2017, 00:30

Features requests ?

Beitrag von Bastien »

I've understood this forum is a place managed by users helping other users, but where to write features requests ?

So, my feature requests >
• Fonts
- Ability to resize the font of the main page (tree)

• Places
- When I create a new person, ability to go to the places from the individual window ("Born... in")
- When I want change the place of a birth (for example), ability to go to the full windows of the places, not only the place where a person is born.
- Ability to resize the window

• Upper field
- In the upper field (name, born, death, etc.), if I don't choose "choose shortened person datas", all the datas are written without back to line.
So, ability to have backs to line, like in the option "choose shortened person datas"

Thank you :)
Zuletzt geändert von Bastien am 02.01.2018, 12:09, insgesamt 2-mal geändert.
Beiträge: 4178
Registriert: 19.01.2006, 19:31
Wohnort: südlicher geht's immer

Beitrag von bjew »

Auch hier. Wünsche werden hier gesammelt, der Entwickler (Dirk) liest mit 😄
Bleibt gesund, Gruß
bjew (Bernhard) ------ manchmal etwas kurz angebunden
System: Win10 auf Laptop mit i7 --- Ahnenblatt 2.74 (als Backup), 2.99[p] u. V3.42
Beiträge: 17
Registriert: 31.12.2017, 00:30

Beitrag von Bastien »

I've written my features requests in the first post of the thread.
Beiträge: 3573
Registriert: 04.01.2017, 18:32
Wohnort: Regio Rhein-Neckar

Re: Features requests ?

Beitrag von Fridolin »

Bastien hat geschrieben:I've understood this forum is a place managed by users helping other users, but where to write features requests ?
The german part of the forum has an appropriate features request section, the english one doesn't. Just write them down - they will be collected by the forum administrators and entered into a long list of requests: errors to be fixed and wishes mixed. The developer of the software is a reader and user of the forum, too - so will get the requests.
Bastien hat geschrieben:So, my feature requests >
• Fonts
- Ability to resize the font of the main page (tree)
We were talking about that.
Bastien hat geschrieben:• Places
- When I create a new person, ability to go to the places from the individual window ("Born... in")
- When I want change the place of a birth (for example), ability to go to the full windows of the places, not only the place where a person is born.
Sometimes, I would like to have the same thing. Maybe Dirk didn't implement it to prevent people from switching from one task that isn't finished to another. In fact, you don't need the full places list just to change the place of an event - just if you are looking for an alternate entry that already exists. In my case, most places are auto-complemented, when I try to type them in.
Bastien hat geschrieben: • Upper field
- In the upper field (name, born, death, etc.), if I don't choose "choose shortened person datas", all the datas are written without back to line.
So, ability to have backs to line, like in the option "choose shortened person datas"
It's not a "tidy" form, but gives you more info in the same field. But of course: The more options the better...

Don't stop collecting requests! It would probably improve the software in the end. Just take in account: It's one programmer volunteering in his spare time. So don't be too disappointed that Dirk selects the requests he is picking up.

Aktuell Win10-64 pro 2004, Ahnenblatt 3.46 - Daten via NAS, Programm lokal

Empfehlung: Für die neue Version 3.x alle relevanten Handbücher lesen! :book:
(es gibt das Benutzerhandbuch und mehrere Themen-Specials!)
Beiträge: 17
Registriert: 31.12.2017, 00:30

Beitrag von Bastien »

Thank you.
I add requests in the first post of the thread