Export as GEDCOM in English?

Questions about usage of Ahnenblatt

Export as GEDCOM in English?

Beitrag von azdldad »

I only show one file that is modified as I add and edit- 201436.ahn. I want to be able to export a .ged format file from Ahnenblatt 2.85 into another program if possible. Does anyone know if this is possible? I am unable to determine the save concept from any of the toolbar options available. Thank you in advance.
Beiträge: 7522
Registriert: 19.01.2006, 21:55

Beitrag von Marcus »

You can save a gedcom file in the menu "File" - "Save as…" - "GEDCOM file".
If you don't have englisch set as your language, you can change that in the menu "Sprache" ("language").
Beiträge: 32
Registriert: 02.04.2013, 15:30

Beitrag von SirJohn »

Hi azdldad,

Ahnenblatt can export your file as GEDCOM standard with no problem. So you shall be able to import to every other program that can make use of the GEDCOM standard as well. To the best of my knowledge this should include virtually every genealogy program out there.

A fair word of warning though: Ahnenblatt aims at implementing and interpreting the GEDCOM standard as perfect as possible, following the standard very closely. Doing so, it is top of the list of the software available. So please do not be too disappointed, if your import lacks some of the information you have entered in Ahnenblatt.

This then is due to the other program not following the GEDCOM standard.

Kind regards,


Exporting GEDCOM

Beitrag von azdldad »

Sorry - My File>Save As option is ghosted out and not a useable option.

Thank you for your very helpful responses in such a short time.

Exporting GEDCOM

Beitrag von azdldad »

Right after posting this I went back to the File option and clicked Open GEDCOM file - this may be a file sent with the application initially? Now once it imported this, I have the Save As>GEDCOM option. I just wish I had a convertor for the .ahn file I was building with the 200+ persons in that database so far. :)

Thanks All.


Beitrag von azdldad »

Thanks John- I understand that everything may not export or import in every field. This application has really been a fantastic tool for me so far.
Beiträge: 7522
Registriert: 19.01.2006, 21:55

Beitrag von Marcus »

Is your ahn-file in any special folder (maybe write-protected from the system?). I can not imagine how the "Save As…" command could be "greyed"?!

Maybe you can save your ahn-file under a new name on to your desktop and then try to convert this new ahn-file to a gedcom-file?


Beitrag von azdldad »

Thank you all- I have created the Gcom file now using the Save As function. Thank you all for your kind support in helping me in the right direction. Merry Christmas.
Beiträge: 7522
Registriert: 19.01.2006, 21:55

Beitrag von Marcus »

Can you pin down, why it didn't work the first time you tried and what did you do to fix the problem?