Resolve incoherences

Beiträge: 20
Registriert: 08.11.2012, 15:18

Resolve incoherences

Beitrag von sebeh »

Hi everybody,

a few questions about incoherences.

As Marcus told me, when I press "Test" button they tell me that 7 problems have been found. These 7 problems are 7 brothers and sisters, the program cites them and then it tells me that "a link is missing between brothers and sisters Toribio PRADO".

Marcus, you told me to click the "adapter" boutton and correct it with the option "régénérer les liens", but I don't find it... :cry:

Thank you in advance !
Beiträge: 7522
Registriert: 19.01.2006, 21:55

Beitrag von Marcus »

Shortcut: Press F7 to get the function (you find it in the menu "Modifier" - "Adapter des données ..." too)!
There you've the "Régénérer les liens des frères et soeurs" option in the part "Généralités" of the dialog.

If your icons don't show the "Adapter" button, you can change that behavior with "Affichage" - "Barre d'Icônes" - "Adapter ..." and change the icon bar the way you want to have it.
Beiträge: 20
Registriert: 08.11.2012, 15:18

Beitrag von sebeh »

Ok I found it ! Thank you very much Marcus !
But do you have an idea of what was the problem ? Why a link was missing ? Because i looked and everything was ok, all were brothers and sisters, with parents, no one was alone.

And then I see in "Ajuster les données" that there are a lot of other options, but I don't really understand them. I take the opportunity to make a remark, I know it's a really hard work to have this program in other lenguages, and that it's an amazing work from nice volunteers, so I hope no one will take it bad, but the translation in french is not very clear. A lot of times I don't really see what it means. I think it's maybe translated litterally from German.

So here I don't see what will do if I check"Correction des caractères..." , "Eliminer les espaces" (which spaces ?), "Parent/fratrie/partenaires/enfants", and all the list...
Beiträge: 7522
Registriert: 19.01.2006, 21:55

Beitrag von Marcus »

Well to be honest I don't know why sometimes some links are missing. Most of the time it's just one of them. Maria is marked as sister of John, but he isn't marked as her brother. And therefore you don't see anything wrong in your data.

I don't know who made the french translation and my french isn't good enough to say something about it's quality. But I think it's more a problem about the strange thing we can do here than it is a literally translation.
"Correction des caractères" is used to correct character (at least ä, ö, ü, ß are tested) which may be imported from a gedcom (or copied from a website through the clipboard) and are coded with the wrong character set.

"Eliminer les espaces" is used to delete spaces which were entered accidentally by the user. E.g.: " Marcus" in the name field or "Marcus " will be changed to "Marcus".

With "Parents / Fratrie / Partenaires / Enfants" the corresponding field in the edit-dialoge are meant. You can select here, if you want to see the all first names of a person in these field or just the nickname by which a person is called.

I you're unsure about some tweaks and possibillities just ask here or save a test-file of your family (TEST.ahn) and play a little with all the functions that Ahnenblatt offers. :)
Beiträge: 20
Registriert: 08.11.2012, 15:18

Beitrag von sebeh »

Thank you very much Marcus !

Well I don't want to abuse, but while we're at it, why don't describe the other options ! :roll:

I didn't really understand the "Parents / Fratrie / Partenaires / Enfants" because of my poor english...

And so what changes if we check "Nom de naissance" ? It just put all names in capitals if we check the second option in it ? And what with the first option ?

And the last one, "Nom à la naissance" "omettre pour les frères et soeurs" it's for whom brothers and sisters ?

Sorry i always worry testing options, I don't want to change default options and don't remember how it was, and also afraid by changing something in my tree even if i make a copy, one time I made it for something else, and I modificated the copy, and then the original... :cry: :lol:
Beiträge: 222
Registriert: 13.02.2007, 08:54
Wohnort: Kreis Offenbach

Beitrag von johannesson »

Hallo Sebeh,
the first option is just keeping the name as you enter it in the programm. The second option is changing it into capital letters.
The "Parents/Fratie/..." is for setting the calling name (normally the first of the prenames, otherwise marked with "_...._"). In the second case all prenames are shown.
For the "Nom à la naissance"... it should be showing the "nom à la naissance" as well as the prénom. Otherwise you will see all the prénoms.
To change something you have to mark the "Parents/Fratie/..." box.
If you like, you can send a PN to me and I can also try to answer in French.
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