1021: Source confirmation

Questions about usage of Ahnenblatt
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Registriert: 12.09.2013, 12:52

1021: Source confirmation

Beitrag von Oropya »

I use the tool for a few weeks now and I have collected a lot of source documents (birth and weeding records).

1.For the moment, I linked the pdf files to the person in my tree as if they were pictures.
At first, I wonder if this the best way to do it... ???
Any other recommendation is welcome.

2.As a second question, during the build of my tree, I do not have all the documents at once. So I would like to track those I already found - at least the most important one.
Do you know if there is any plugin already doing that?
I attach an example picture.


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Registriert: 19.01.2006, 21:55

Re: Source confirmation

Beitrag von Marcus »

Oropya hat geschrieben: 1.For the moment, I linked the pdf files to the person in my tree as if they were pictures.
At first, I wonder if this the best way to do it... ???
Any other recommendation is welcome.
You can do that if you wan't the scans to be linked to the respetive persons.
I use the "Source"-tab with some short descritpions who gave me the infromations and in which book, register or record the informations were found.
The advantage of using the source field is that you can easily print out the information in e.g. a family list (which I always have with me, when traveling with printed trees to a family-meeting).
This way, I have all important information at hand, without the need to look into a computer, which is always a little disturbing when talking to a lot and different people (where some are older and don't like a little laptop monitor to watch and "follow" their family).

Oropya hat geschrieben: 2.As a second question, during the build of my tree, I do not have all the documents at once. So I would like to track those I already found - at least the most important one.
Do you know if there is any plugin already doing that?
To be honest I don't fully understand what you would like to have. Just tracking which sources are missing or do you want to have the missing data marked in a tree?
Beiträge: 5
Registriert: 12.09.2013, 12:52

Beitrag von Oropya »

Sorry, it took me some time to realize my question has been replied.
Thanks :)
My 2nd question is as you guessed about tracking missing documents or information.
Beiträge: 7522
Registriert: 19.01.2006, 21:55

Beitrag von Marcus »

There is no possibility to store or show such information right now in a tree or list.

In a list you could do it, if you store a template in the "sources"-tab of every person and fill them accordingly.
For example you could fill it with something like this something like this (with the type of source that are im portant to you):

Code: Alles auswählen

* Birthplace: SOURCE-MISSING
* Deathplace: SOURCE-MISSING
And every time you got a original document and linked it with Ahnenblatt, just replace the information:

Code: Alles auswählen

* Birthdate: Death Announcement John Doe, Le Monde 2013-09-24
* Birthplace: SOURCE-MISSING
* Deathdate: Death Announcement John Doe, Le Monde 2013-09-24
* Deathplace: SOURCE-MISSING
If you then print a family-list with the sources, you'll get a full list (which could get quite long though) of all missing and present sources that are important for you.
To much work for me, but quite flexible and maybe an idea. ;)
If you're not sure how this will look like, just try it with a handful of people and print yourself a list or generate a pdf-file of it.
Beiträge: 5
Registriert: 12.09.2013, 12:52

Beitrag von Oropya »

Thanks Marcus. I understand your proposal.
And I agree, Copy/Paste of a template and then filling the info is a heavy task...

I was actually looking for something more visual that would really show the progress...
I am in the phase this is still not so hard to find the sources but when the number of people is pretty hard to handle/remember.

I personnally do not know how much it is possible to influence or add comment on the development of Ahnenblatt itself. I do not want anybody to take offense of a suggestion.

I thought that quite a simple check box close to the date input would do the business. And then, adding this info as a selected data to the tree cells...
Beiträge: 7522
Registriert: 19.01.2006, 21:55

Beitrag von Marcus »

Added the wish to our wishlist as an added check-box to the dates and an optional addition of colored fields/markers to the tree.
Sorry it took so long ... thought we had some wish in our list, that was similiar. But couldn't find one.

If this (as every other "wish" on our list) will ever be recognized by Dirk (developer of Ahnenblatt) as interresting or helpful, is to be determined. ;)
Beiträge: 5
Registriert: 12.09.2013, 12:52

Beitrag von Oropya »

No problem !
Thanks anyway. This is true that I beleive that it has been dropped down but no issue.
This SW remains very usefull...
Since my first post, I have about 600 people more and this is easy to manage by hand :blink: