Missing pictures in HTML Web Site

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Registriert: 10.03.2012, 09:31
Wohnort: Bordeaux

Missing pictures in HTML Web Site

Beitrag von Pulsar33 »

Hi All,

First of all, many thanks for your work to create and support a so friendly and free program ! Long time ago, I used AFT, GSP and Heredis and I never found them so easy to use and so usefull as Ahnenblatt. The navigator and the tree functions work fine and the ancestors tree makes really the "good choices" to select and place the persons to display.

However, I'm experiencing some troubles with version 2.68 and below is all I've been able to notice. But first of all, let me explain the layout of my data and how I began to use Ahnenblatt. I'm using XP SP3 up to date and .ged or .ahn files are located in D:\Family\Name_of_the_software (example D:\Family\GSP or D:\Family\Ahnenblatt ...) and pictures or similar data are in D:\Family which is a ..\ relative location.

I started by importing a gedcom file created by GSP and all the family structure was successfully imported. The original gedcom file had no picture linked to the members so, I linked all the available pictures using Ahnenblatt and saved the Family description as .ahn and .ged files. Then I made many modifcations, adding or ajusting informations. All was working fine, including the ancestors tree of a person in large relationship tree style. Some members have no or one picture, other have many, maximum is currently 12. In navigator, all are available. In persons editor popup, all are available and the first one is selected to be used in the ancestors tree as it must be. Fine !

Here comes one limitation :
When I use "Create List/Person sheets" with pictures, it takes only 4 pictures, maybe less if size were greater (all my picture are 350x470) for each person. I can deal with this limitation, but would be glad if it can be improved. But all this works, and every member which has a picture has it on his sheet.

Finaly, here comes the problem :
At this point, I want to export a HTML Web Site of my Family and doing so, all persons are exported (from ab1.htm to ab194.htm) but very few of them have one or more pictures. In the folder containing the abxxx.htm files, only 37 pictures have been copied and linked, corresponding to only 13 persons (who have purple circle on the following picture if I succeed to upload it in my post). These persons can have more than 4 pictures (there is not the same limitation as above for person sheets) and, as far as I know, they have all their pictures.

I've found no rule to explain why some have and other have not pictures. For example, persons who have picture have number 38 47 58 60 86 92 95 97 158 162 176 182 190. This doesn't say why 81 persons have no picture although they should have at least one.

Having a look to the info panel, I noticed that the relative path looks sometimes strange. Either it includes the filename ( ..\mypicture.bmp ) or not ( ..\ ). However, the direct path is always the same ( D:\Family\ ) and there's no relation between this strange behavior and the people who have pictures or not. Moreover, this behavior seems to change from one launch to another and has changed after issuing a "Extras/Search for pictures/files" command which has completed normally (but I don't know if it was usefull).

Here is a sample of the .ged export of a person having the problem :
0 @I59@ INDI
1 NAME Xxxx, Yxxx /FAMILY/
2 DATE 6 OCT 1955
2 PLAC LYON 6ième
1 FAMS @F34@
1 FAMC @F21@
2 FORM bmp
2 TITL 26.06.2010 Poitiers
2 FILE D:\Family\Xxxx.bmp
2 FORM bmp
2 FILE D:\Family\Xxxx2.bmp
2 FORM bmp
2 FILE D:\Family\Xxxx3.bmp
Nothing seems to be wrong

Well, I hope this is enough to help you finding the bug. Feel free to ask me other tests if needed.
Best regards
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Beiträge: 3
Registriert: 10.03.2012, 09:31
Wohnort: Bordeaux

Beitrag von Pulsar33 »

OK found it ...

Was a problem of privacy policy

Have fun with Ahnenblatt !
Best regards
Beiträge: 7522
Registriert: 19.01.2006, 21:55

Beitrag von Marcus »

Hi Pulsar33,

just read the first post and thought about it ... thought about it again ... no idea! Reading your reply was quite a relief ;)
Even the self-solved-problems are valuable!

Do you know more french people using/interested in Ahnenblatt?
Beiträge: 3
Registriert: 10.03.2012, 09:31
Wohnort: Bordeaux

Beitrag von Pulsar33 »

Hi Marcus,

Thanks to you, having spent time to try to help me !

I think that the difference between died people wih picture and died people without picture came from the presence or not of birth or dying dates, combined to the privacy policy where I didn't check pictures for living people. Now all is clean. Ahnenblatt deals very well with resizing all pictures for each person. Some pictures are not 350x470 as most of mine and they are resized accurately.

Well, no, I don't know anybody using/interested in Ahnenblatt here but many people are interested in genealogy and I'm sure they would appreciate this software. Anyway, I'll do my best to let it know among my friends.

Best regards