


Beitrag von kbunz »

Just downloaded Anenblat and entering sample data. All is good so far but how does Anenblatt handle divorce data (date, place, etc.)?

So far, I really like Anenblat. Entry is very logical and easy. Great Job!

ken b
Beiträge: 12
Registriert: 18.11.2006, 14:45

Beitrag von peter1 »

Hello Ken.

as far as I know, Ahnenblatt doesn't care too much about divorce data.
However, you can add this info in the remarks or sources tab (sorry I don't have the English version at hand). I'll translate your question to the mainly German speaking community.
(BTW For simple translations refer to leo.org)

Hallo Forum-Leser,
Ken fragt, ob man in Ahnenblatt Scheidungsdaten eingeben kann?

Beiträge: 7522
Registriert: 19.01.2006, 21:55

Beitrag von Marcus »

Hi Ken,

right now there is no special field or function for divorces. Most users use the marriages-form and a "from-to-date" (with the marriage) to deal with that. Other just note it in the "notes"-area of Ahnenblatt.

However, the next release of Ahnenblatt makes a big leap and it looks like we'll be able to deal with almost all types of sources and input:
Ahnenblatt 3.0 - Preview

The release is still some weeks/months away but it looks like it (to get all the routines like input, output, printing, saving etc. updated) will be worth the time to wait ;)


Beitrag von kbunz »

Thank you Peter & Marcus. I tried the format 'xx/xx/xxxx to xx/xx/xxxx' in the 'on' field and that will work for now. I can put detailed divorce information in the 'Notes' tab. Thanks for the prompt replies.

ken b (near St. Louis Missouri USA)
Super Moderator
Beiträge: 575
Registriert: 21.09.2006, 23:26
Wohnort: Singapore

Beitrag von Nachfahre »

peter1 hat geschrieben:(sorry I don't have the English version at hand). ...
Hi Peter,
you actually have the English version at hand.
Sometimes things are to close to see them. ;-)

Just go to "Sprache (language)" and you have 14 additional language versions.

I am using this symbol o|o behind my marriage date to indicate a divorce.

more symbols:
o > engaged
oo > married
o-o > relationship
I oo > 1. marriage
II oo > 2. marriage
o/o > separated
o|o > divorced

German article:
http://www.ahnenblattportal.de/viewtopi ... ht=symbole

have fun,
- Othmar

btw: We are always looking for help to:
a) update the wikipedia article. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ahnenblatt
b) review the English Ahnenblatt translation
Alles was ich heute tue, ist wichtig, gebe ich doch einen ganzen Tag meines Lebens dafuer.
/ George Bernard Shaw