problem with completly family tree


problem with completly family tree

Beitrag von dominiq »

Hi !Sorry if that topic is the same like in german but I dont know german language.
I've big problem with Ahnenblatt. The program doesnt show all entire family starting in "klapsydre". I've tried to modificate in many ways but the problem is still the same... I've tried to see family tree from my youngest child the program doesnt show my brothers wifes and their children then. If I start from the older man in my tree for ex. my mothers the program doesnt show my dad's family. And finally question is how to show as a family tree all entire family members ?
Super Moderator
Beiträge: 575
Registriert: 21.09.2006, 23:26
Wohnort: Singapore

Beitrag von Nachfahre »

Hello dominiq

welcome to the Ahnenblatt forum.
I've tried to see family tree from my youngest child the program doesn't show my brothers wifes and their children then.
Please try:
Tree / Ancestors Tree / Style "large relation ship" (en)
Tablica / Tablica przodkow / Styl "duza tablica krewnych" (pl)
If I start from the older man in my tree for ex. my mothers the program doesn't show my dad's family.
Please try:
Tree / Family Tree / Style "large relation ship" (en)
Tablica / Tablica potomkow / Style "duza tablica krewnych"

If you start with your mothers side of the family, it is correct that your fathers branch is not show. They are not related to your mothers ancestors.
And finally question is how to show as a family tree all entire family members ?
In some family configurations, this is simply not possible.
There are to many crossings of family lines, which would make the tree a multi dimensional graphic.
Ahnenblatt tries to have no crossings, which would make a tree unclear and very confusing.
Therefore you will see in some constellations numbers in the frames of some persons. This means that these people appear several times on the tree.

The klapsydre (pl)= hourglass (en) = Sanduhr (de) -Tree "starts" from a person "in the middle" and shows its ancestors and its descendants.

Here you should select the "large relation ship"-Style as well.

have fun,
- Othmar
Alles was ich heute tue, ist wichtig, gebe ich doch einen ganzen Tag meines Lebens dafuer.
/ George Bernard Shaw