Die Suche ergab 5 Treffer

von sieu
22.05.2021, 13:05
Forum: General Support
Thema: 1222: ** Bug Reports ** - English
Antworten: 25
Zugriffe: 24218

I'm not fully sure, but I believe to remember that paths and filenames for Ahnenblatt cannot be fully Unicode. This isn't only an issue for the family file itself, but maybe also for media paths/file names: for linked photos etc. If you would be interested to try out? EDIT: No testing necessary: In...
von sieu
22.05.2021, 09:09
Forum: General Support
Thema: 1222: ** Bug Reports ** - English
Antworten: 25
Zugriffe: 24218

Good new, Ahnenblatt 3.24 has fixed this issue. Many thanks for your advice and for Dirk for his great work. The download site still says the current version is 3.23 but the downloaded package is 3.24. I would like to show you another bug I have discovered when I test the 3.23: from the "Source...
von sieu
22.05.2021, 08:39
Forum: General Support
Thema: 1222: ** Bug Reports ** - English
Antworten: 25
Zugriffe: 24218

Goodmorning Frido, Dirk seems release a new version 3.24. When I launch my current 3.22, I get an update message shows me a new version 3.24 is available. I'll wait until the update is available to download. I tried several steps with both 3.22 and 3.23 with the sample file demo-unicode.ahn and here...
von sieu
21.05.2021, 18:29
Forum: General Support
Thema: 1222: ** Bug Reports ** - English
Antworten: 25
Zugriffe: 24218

Hi Frido,
Thank you for your reply. Here an example I get in version 3.23: my surname "NGUYỄN" becomes "NGUY?N" in exported GEDCOM file and windows content. However, the menu options and windows titles are correctly displayed.
von sieu
20.05.2021, 20:06
Forum: General Support
Thema: 1222: ** Bug Reports ** - English
Antworten: 25
Zugriffe: 24218

Unicode (UTF-8) is no longer supported on version 3.23

Hi, I'm Sieu and live in France. I'm a vietnamese translator of Ahnenblatt. I have installed version 3.23 but Unicode seems no longer supported in Ahnenblatt's windows. When exporting data to GEDCOM, Unicode characters are not all correctly exported. Non western europeans char are replaced by "...