Die Suche ergab 20 Treffer

von sebeh
09.05.2014, 19:09
Forum: --> Archive: Support (English)
Thema: Birth, death and wedding symbols disappeard
Antworten: 2
Zugriffe: 5945

Thank you very much Marcus :)
von sebeh
07.05.2014, 17:39
Forum: --> Archive: Support (English)
Thema: Birth, death and wedding symbols disappeard
Antworten: 2
Zugriffe: 5945

Birth, death and wedding symbols disappeard

hello everyone, all is in the title... I didn't make genealogy since nearly two months maybe, and the other day, i open my tree, and I was lost, I had all informations in the information window (the one which is on the right of the picture), but with no symbols * + or oo, so it was difficult to unde...
von sebeh
04.11.2013, 19:24
Forum: --> Archive: Support (English)
Thema: Incomplete tree
Antworten: 3
Zugriffe: 6652

Hello Jürgen,

Well thank you, I'll try to translate it with google translation ;)
von sebeh
29.10.2013, 21:07
Forum: --> Archive: Support (English)
Thema: Incomplete tree
Antworten: 3
Zugriffe: 6652

Incomplete tree

Hello, Well, as mentionned in other topics, I have a problem with my export. Maybe it's not a problem, and it's just not possible, but it would surprise me. When i make my family tree preview, and when I export it in pdf, and also when I print it, I can't have all my family on this... As I said, for...
von sebeh
29.10.2013, 17:52
Forum: --> Archive: Support (English)
Thema: Ahnenblatt reader for Androïd ?
Antworten: 22
Zugriffe: 28653

Oh ok thanks Jürgen, sorry when there is text in English I just read it quickly ! It was writen in the description ! :s
von sebeh
29.10.2013, 16:06
Forum: --> Archive: Support (English)
Thema: Ahnenblatt reader for Androïd ?
Antworten: 22
Zugriffe: 28653

Oh ok, so it means that this is not only a gedcom viewer, it's also a tree creator, that's it ?
von sebeh
29.10.2013, 11:32
Forum: --> Archive: Support (English)
Thema: Ahnenblatt reader for Androïd ?
Antworten: 22
Zugriffe: 28653

Thanks Jürgen,

Oh only 200 persons.. Well I'll wait for an other app so, I will pay if there is an app which has french language too. :)
von sebeh
29.10.2013, 11:04
Forum: --> Archive: Support (English)
Thema: Ahnenblatt reader for Androïd ?
Antworten: 22
Zugriffe: 28653

Hello everyone !

The familyGTG seams nice. I see on the play store that there is a free and a paying version, anyone knows the diference between two of them ?

Thanks !
von sebeh
22.10.2013, 20:21
Forum: --> Archive: Support (English)
Thema: Ahnenblatt reader for Androïd ?
Antworten: 22
Zugriffe: 28653

Thank you for your answers. Well I wasn't talking about reading ahn files, but yes just a simple gedcom viewer, but which would be close to ahnenblatt ergonomy. Of course there are some gedcom viewers on the play store, the most famous is gedstar pro, but it's not full free, and i tried it and reall...
von sebeh
22.10.2013, 20:11
Forum: --> Archive: Support (English)
Thema: Resolve incoherences
Antworten: 5
Zugriffe: 7657

Thank you very much Marcus ! Well I don't want to abuse, but while we're at it, why don't describe the other options ! :roll: I didn't really understand the "Parents / Fratrie / Partenaires / Enfants" because of my poor english... And so what changes if we check "Nom de naissance"...
von sebeh
16.10.2013, 19:05
Forum: --> Archive: Support (English)
Thema: Ahnenblatt reader for Androïd ?
Antworten: 22
Zugriffe: 28653

Hello, thank you for your answer again. Well I kenw that Dirk was the creator but I thought that you were in communication to improve the program. I wasn't talking about to read an ahn file but a gedcom viewer, which would have a similar appearence with Ahnenblatt and which would make a nice navigat...
von sebeh
16.10.2013, 18:40
Forum: --> Archive: Support (English)
Thema: Resolve incoherences
Antworten: 5
Zugriffe: 7657

Ok I found it ! Thank you very much Marcus ! But do you have an idea of what was the problem ? Why a link was missing ? Because i looked and everything was ok, all were brothers and sisters, with parents, no one was alone. And then I see in "Ajuster les données" that there are a lot of oth...
von sebeh
15.10.2013, 14:41
Forum: --> Archive: Support (English)
Thema: Ahnenblatt reader for Androïd ?
Antworten: 22
Zugriffe: 28653

Ahnenblatt reader for Androïd ?

I don't know if the question has already been asked, but it would be very nice if it's planned to make a viewer for androïd, which would allow to have a look and show our tree to everybody everywhere on our phone or tablet. For the moment I have to make it with the geneanet application, but I don't ...
von sebeh
15.10.2013, 14:32
Forum: --> Archive: Support (English)
Thema: Resolve incoherences
Antworten: 5
Zugriffe: 7657

Resolve incoherences

Hi everybody, a few questions about incoherences. As Marcus told me, when I press "Test" button they tell me that 7 problems have been found. These 7 problems are 7 brothers and sisters, the program cites them and then it tells me that "a link is missing between brothers and sisters T...