Die Suche ergab 3 Treffer

von Pulsar33
11.03.2012, 11:02
Forum: --> Archive: Support (English)
Thema: Missing pictures in HTML Web Site
Antworten: 3
Zugriffe: 5327

Hi Marcus , Thanks to you, having spent time to try to help me ! I think that the difference between died people wih picture and died people without picture came from the presence or not of birth or dying dates, combined to the privacy policy where I didn't check pictures for living people. Now all ...
von Pulsar33
10.03.2012, 21:08
Forum: --> Archive: Support (English)
Thema: Missing pictures in HTML Web Site
Antworten: 3
Zugriffe: 5327

OK found it ...

Was a problem of privacy policy

Have fun with Ahnenblatt !
Best regards
von Pulsar33
10.03.2012, 15:58
Forum: --> Archive: Support (English)
Thema: Missing pictures in HTML Web Site
Antworten: 3
Zugriffe: 5327

Missing pictures in HTML Web Site

Hi All, First of all, many thanks for your work to create and support a so friendly and free program ! Long time ago, I used AFT, GSP and Heredis and I never found them so easy to use and so usefull as Ahnenblatt. The navigator and the tree functions work fine and the ancestors tree makes really the...